Caught- Needing to know

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raw raw rawww 

lol supp!?

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                                                             Needing to know

My tongue ran over my dry lips as I gazed at my sister her face contorted into a smile. I looked at her widly and got up onto my knees "Why?" I muttered getting out one word before she turned on me her first balled up at her sides.

"Ive hated you sense the day you were born the child who got treated the best, the girl who would always be loved more than me, more pettier than me. But It's good thing i knew and we all know that you don't have more brains than me." 

Tears started to roll down my cheeks, "but how could you do this to me." my sob turned into a hiccup. 

"Me telling you I hate you isn't enough?" she looked at me with distaste and then spat a wad of spit onto my face.

I gasped and lifted my tied hands to my face to wipe it away. I was seeing red I gnawed on my lip and looked over at her i brought up my open palmed hand but before I could even hit her. There was a whislting which came from behind me.

"I want you to tell me everything" I stated before we could say anything else. A breeze carressed my shoulders. Leaves and snow blasting my face. My pale skin turning even paler.

I turned around quickly, a wild look in my eyes and saw Sam walking towards us, Antonia following behind. Sam started towards my sister, my heart quicked I was going to yell for her to move out of the way that this man was a murderer but before I could.. I watched in shock as he started gathering her in his hands and kissing her. His tongue trailing spit around her mouth. She seemed to like it she let out a giggle as his hand went to her chest groping it.

I raised my eyebrows and backed away.

How did she have any connection to these men, these animals. How could someone I grew up with do this to me. How was it even possible. My eyes glazed over as I backed up. Now would be the time to get away. Now would be the time to run to the police.

I quickly gathered my tied hands agaist a tree bark and rubbed the rope against it. My skin turned red around my hands, by the cold and burn of the rope rubbing against my wrist. it let go and I was jerked by my hair before I could move onto my legs. My eyes became downcast before l looked up at Antonia. 

A sideways smile lay on his face as he brought my face closer to his, My eyes widened and I brought my knee up and into his crotch he rolled on the floor grabbing his testicles in pain. I tried to untie my feet my eyes grazing over Sam and my sister making a love fest, before they noticed.

But maybe I wasnt as smart as my sister, and maybe she was right because just as I got the rope from around my feet Antonia let out a shout. 

"get the bitch!" he screamed at Sam.

I gasped and got to my legs they wobbled a bit, I started to run shakingly; 

"Wait!" I heard my sister shout.

I turned my head to look behind me my barefeet stomping on the cold snow, but to be slammed to the ground all the air knocked out of my chest. I felt like I had just been punched in the stomach as my abdomen hit a huge rock.

I moaned in pain spitting out blood and looking down at the person who had tackled me and tried to wiggle away as black nearly took of my vision.

"I  need to tell you something" she looked at me and dug a smile onto her face rubbing her hands together in the cold.

"Youve got a choice.."

My mom would used to say that choices were never good that you just have to take what gets thrown at you. That life might be a train on the track one minute and the next thing you know it's off the side of the road, into a thousand peices. I didn't have a choice, I knew what was coming I just didn't want to believe it was true.

My eyes slanted I rubbed the blood from my mouth and moved my blond tangled hair out of my face. 

"I never make deals with backstabbing bitches." Rage, and curiosity had made me slip and I scowled at her. 

I squinted my eyes trying to stop myself from lying down, I was dizzy and something had hit me hard.

"We either make a deal.. or Me or Sam and antonia.. kill you."

I blinked at her and my eyebrows show up, "Youd kill me?"

Sam walked up behind her "Yes of course she would." 

Something hard and metalic rubbed against my backside, a grin spread on my face a forced one but it felt good. I remembered that I had a gun in the back of my pants. Now that I knew the truth, I wasn't afraid to use it.

I looked at them one against three, maybe I could do this. I had hope..

Something I hadn't had in a while.


Quie a phew spelling mistakes in there but be prepared for next chap..

some MORE splendid drama is going to go down..

book will soon be over. :3

comment? read? idc :D


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