Caught- Awoken

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                                                                     CHAPTER  FOUR


I start to feel something warm trickle down my leg I look around and see the man he is peeing on me like I am nothing. like im not human I try to move my legs but they don't budge.

He puts his Junk back in his pants as I back up farther against the tree the man without the hood on comes towards me spits directly on my face they both pull up there pants  the man covered in dirt comes towards me giving me a spit shower as he  says

" Your the sweetest yet" I go cold. I cant move I feel my eye bulge and I know there is something more then wrong with there men.

"Come on Samuel" One of them yell I know his name now.

"Shit!"He yells realizing that the man had just mentioned his name he turns back to me quickly picking up a stick off the ground before I could even say or scream anything I see it swing towards my face as I start to see blackness take over life image.

                                                    Chapter four starting now...

I awake to the sound of birds chirping abnormally loud above me.. on my head. I look down and my hands are red around the wrist from the tight rope rubbing against them, it is super bright out side and I don't want to think about what happened yesterday.

"Ahhhhhh!" I scream in agonizing pain begging god if there is one for mercy a wave of convulsions shoot up my crotch area as a tear gleams down my cheek plopping on the dirt covered ground.

They left me here tied up to a god damn tree How am I supposed to get out I don't know.

I can barely move my legs and and arms are sore at the wrist my eyes wonder off into the distance forgetting about my arms and my legs.

I  see the van tracks that they had lefts leaving a trail in the distance.

What caught my eye must of been a sign from whoever! because then and there I saw a sharp piece of glass showing my droopy reflection I edged over on the tree as out of no where rain started to trickle form the sky I grab the glass edging it behind the rope moving up and down so it cuts.

I struggle for I don't know how long until the rope finally gives.

"OH!! THANK YOU!" I say to no one in particular.

I lay sprawled on the ground letting the gray skies of rain poor down on me I know my parents and family aren't probably looking for me and I wish I really had my camera I know this is not the time but the Sky's of gray are a real beautiful exotically with a hint of lighting in them.

The earth rumbles or was that my stomach then I figure I haven't eaten in two days and it all comes back to me as tears spill over my eyes blinding in with the rain I have to go before they come back, but to much pain I know the saying is there's always around something.. if that is even a saying but I can't move and this makes me want to cry even more.

Before I know it I'm laying on the ground and I start to vomit and all these Idea's pop up in my head.

I'm emotionally sick I tell my self scooting my body on the ground and away from the puke getting raped three times cannot make you pregnant I tell my self as my dark blond hair sticks to my for head.

I keep on seeing both men on me tying me down and raping me in vial ways. I break down I bawl I cry and I can't stop Non ones here for me I'm left in this word on my own with a pimp or whatever after me. But I have some hope left I know the mans name I could go to the police if they believe me or even understand what Ive been through.

"Oh...please"  mutter to myself as the rain starts to poor down heavier and the lightening gets stronger.

I hear a engine in the distance and horror strikes in me once I again I start to weep knowing that I can't move.

I try.. try I  tell my self rolling on the ground standing up slowly I hide behind a tree as a van pulls up, Out comes the hooded man.. with a gun.. a loaded gun.

 I whimper as I grab my crotch area I feel like puking.. I let myself do so I hold it in my mouth, the image of these two men make me sick literally.

"Shit she's gone!" The hooded man says in his thick Italian accent.

"What the fuck really!" The other man Samuel says.

"Yes look at the damn rope Sam look.." He says pointing to the rope on the ground.

"I wanted to have more uhm-a fun with her today" Samuel says looking at the hooded.

"Come on Antonia let's go we can find her fuck her and then kill her later."

They get back in the van not looking back and speed off down the trail to out of the woods Im worried about my family---.

I feel my hair being pulled as I fall limp to  the ground.

"Told you that was going to work Sam" He says dragging me from behind the tree.

I scream, a blood curdling scream as he drags me towards the van throwing me in the back.

"Get off! get off!" I scream tears spilling down my face.

Before I could dodge or move out of the way a fist flys towards my face, hitting me directly in the jaw. I moan in pain as I stare at his eyes. He kicks me in the gut sending me flying towards the back sliding door.

"Now shut your mouth!" he says pointing at mea grim expression on his face.

Tears spill down my face faster I think about all the bad thing that can happen.

One I might die a few minutes from now.

Two I may never see my family again.

Three I cant defend my self against two men.

And Four I might be pregnant.

The van jerks forward to a start as I close my eyes wishing I wasn't here and I was never at that train station I had never bought that camera on my tenth birthday.

Memories fade away quickly just like my life. I sit in the corner of the van crying and occasionally flying out of my seat as they hit bumps I'm lost  in this world I tell my self over and over again.

When the car jerks to a stop I dont scream I dont cry I sit there standing at the door waiting for it to open.


Authors note: SO this might be a bit short I havent updated i na while the next chapter is going to be really intence!! I hope you enjoyed my loevlysss fnns and people ♥♥♥ :]!!

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