Caught- Do it?

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                                                                     CHAPTER SEVEN

I stared at the front lawn that was covered in pebbles and big rocks, I decided I'd pick up the smallest rock, I walked towards the house and threw the rock at the window it landed right on the glass bouncing off so I decided to go with bigger one.

Then the first thing I think can I do it? and what type of trouble will this get me into, I wish I hada angel by myside.

I threw the rock not thinking, convincing myself that everything would be okay and the after effects of all of this would not get me held back in high school, I won't be scard for life which I already were, The scars would wash away with the rain and tears that Ive seen and cried this past week everything would be okay, I kept on tellling myself that.

The wind stirred around me moving my dark golden hair around my head, I stared up at the sky and then I took my chances, Like ive done a million times before.

The shatter of the glass made me jump, But I had done what I needed to I walked towards the broken window ripping off some of my shirt and wrapping it around my hands and climbing through I made or tried not to stab myself on any of the glass.

I jumped down on the otherside, Peeking around in the house, No one was home hopefully I creeped around the corner and headed it up the stairs.

The moaning of the wind blowing against the window made me jump, The ghost were tellling stories as my mother would say, But nevermind that I walked quitely up the stairs stopping infront of my door, or my bedrom.

I opened the bedroom door and peeked in, My jaw droped and a single tear slid down my face. All of my stuff was gone, Nada was in there NOTHING.

I heard the creeking of the old wooden tile floor and ran to hide in the closet, I practically didn't live hee anymore if they had removed all of my stuff from my rom, What has come of my life?

"Ive been roaming around always looking down and al I seeee." I heard my sisters bad note. The girl I called a sister, The one who had slapped me, the one who wasnt there for me when I neeeded her, the one who convinced my parents that I was  a attention seeker. The one that I could never hate because she was family.

Even after all the fun stuff that she did to me, told on me, lied on me, so I told my self that I could trust her, with everything that I did before I could trust her.

So I crawled out of the closet, my hair curtaining my face I looked up and the first thing I see is  A fist  flying towards my face it hits me directly in the nose and I fall on the groan moaning in hysterical pain.

It must of been a accident, I toild my self looking at my hand that now were covered in blood.  I looked up and she was smiling at me a shock exspression of fake on her face.

"Oh look whos here!"

Why would she be coming into...

"my sister!"

a room...

"The it!"

That was...

"Oh my Whoops didnt mean to punch you in the face Abbi"


I held my nose reaching out a hand for her to grab, she looked at me sympathy on her face grabbing at my hand and then quickly letting go when I was half way standing up, I dropped to the ground landing on my butt.

I looked up at her as she smiled down at me evily, what was up with her.

"Let me be the older one here!" she schreeched collapsing on the ground next to me sitting a indian position.

How could she be the older oen when she just punched her sister in the face.

"Well being the older one means telling the truth so honey"

Older one?



unusual things for my sister.

"Mom and dad.."

"Lets start off with them first."

I litened holding my nose.

"Well mom and dad-- how can I break this to you easily?"

"Mom and dad are convinced that you ran away.. or you were murdered in some ditch some where, because I told them so.. so Abbi honey your dead, you dissapeared. Not like you were here all along. You WERE nothing."

"Just a dissapointment.."


"You are sorry" she said winking at me.

"A sob and plus a attention seeking bitch"

"STOP!" I screamed that one word thundering out of my throat. She called me a bitch.. a attention seeker!

She looked at me like I was crazy.

"The point is she continued. If your supposed to be dead, Ive gotta make that possible.."

I didn't see what was about to happen next, when she tackled me putting her hands around my neck and pressing down hard, I had a hard time breathing, the words that were going on in my head that  I was about to die.

"I loathe you more then ever.." she grunted breathing heavily, like she just got from a marathon.

Tearss streamed down my face I was about to die, so I took the last of my willl, power, and strength. to take my feet and kick her in the stomach.

"Oh no you dont" she said.

Jumping in the air about to land on me with her hands in a strangling position I kicked my foot out quickly she let ouit a groan as she went flying into the closet door the, Medal closet door I heard a loud thump and then I saw that she was knocked out.

I dragged her by the legs into her room and went scavanging for a backpack and some clothes and a tooth brush mouth wash a brush and a rubber band and some food out of their refridgorator.

I shoved everything into the backpack, when I heard the key to the front door open and someone shreik. I jumped I zipped the back pack up and ran into the living where someone happened to be coming in.


Abbi, Me.

I didn't answer I just swing the back pack over my shoulder slowly, staring at the ground. It wasnt possible not to miss someone who gave birth to me, so I looked up to find a hand coming towards my face, the burning sensation of my moms slap, left me petrafied she has never hit me before.

"Mom.." I sobbed falling on my knees.

"Stay where yo uare Abbi, I'm sorry I hit you lets get this all worked out." she left me sitting on the floor bawling she often came back with some tissues and I blew my nose. I stared at my palms what was to come of this?



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