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*Jisselle's P.O.V*

"Okay here's the plan everyone get paired up." Cameron said

Jisselle and Shawn check anywhere quite

Aubrey and Matt check nearest food places

Nash and Cameron check through the hotel and

Gilinsky and Johnson stay here and see if she comes back.

"Dies everyone know what their doing."I asked. Everyone said yes.

"Okay then let's go"I said walking out the door.

"We should probably check the old park like 3 miles away"Shawn said

"Good thinking"I said and we started to walk down there. When we got there we didn't find her.

"Is there a beach anywhere"I asked

"Ummm about 25 minutes away"Shawn said

"She can't be down there"I said

"Let's check anyway"Shawn said

"Okay let's.go"I said and we started to walk.

*Aubrey's P.O.V*

The first place we checked was a pizza parlor.

"Dammit she's not here"I said

"Where should we go now"Matt said

"I'm hungry let's eat a slice or two"I said sitting down

"Yassss I agree"Matt said and sat down

"I'm sorry we couldn't go on that date tonight"I said

"Its okay I'm glad I get to spend time with you alone"Matt said grabbing my hand

"Awww Matt"I said blushing.

*Gilinskys P.O.V*

Me and Jack had nothing else to do so we just went on our phones. The door opened and it was Carter.

"What do you want Carter"I said

"Nothing where is everyone"he said confused

"Looking for Deniya because your bitch"Gilinsky said pissed.

"Well it wasn't my fault"Carter said

"Yes it was Madison is a Drama Queen she's starts everything" I said

"Well I didn't know she was going to do that"Carter said defending himself

"Why didmt you stop her right when she got on stave than"I said

"She means nothing to me she was just a fuck Buddie"Carter said

"Wow bro your fucked up"I said and walked out

*Nash's P.O.V*

Me and Cameron looked all over the hotel.

"Let's look through the toims now"Cameron said

"Okay" I said and went to check the rooms. When we were down we only had one more room to check and that was mine. I tried to open the door but the top lock was covered so we couldn't get in. I slipped through the small opening but Deniya wasn't in the room. I checked the bathroom. I knocked but she didn't answer.

"Deniya" I said opening the door.

"Leave me alone Nash"Deniya said rushing pass me and digging in her bag

"Deniya what are you doing"I said trying to help her calm down

"Don't touch me"she said taking out pills

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