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Narrator: It's now the middle of November and  Jisselle has gone famously famous really fast. Deniya has still been on the low not wanting to be overly famous. Aubrey had a beautiful girl named Elliot and Sammy was more then happy to be a dad. Relationships aren't really going good. Shawn and Jisselle have grown distant and Deniya found out that Nash smoked weed... by a fan on vine (Polar Nash). Deniya was so mad that she started to cut again. She hasn't talked to Nash in 2 weeks.

*Jisselle's P.O.V *

I was currently eating a graham cracker when Shawn walked in the break room.

"Hey" I said

"Hi" He said not making  eye contact. I walked up to him and hugged him

"Shawn. I'm sorry" I said hugging him tighter

"For what" He said confused

"We become distant and its because of me. I'm so sorry" I said again.

"Its okay. I love you either way." Shawn laughed kissing me.

"Come on we have a flight to catch home" Shawn said. We drove to the airport.

*Deniya's P.O.V *

I woke up on the tour bus in the back room where Justin sleeps. I got up and checked my phone 32 text from Nash and 29 calls. I ignored them and just walked to the front of the tour bus. Nobody was up so I just sat down by a window and got lost in my thoughts .

*Aubrey's P.O.V *

I woke up to quietness which is weird because Elliot wasn't crying and Sammy wasn't in bed. I jumped up and walked to Elliots room. Sammy was in the rocking chair holding her. Eliott was sleeping peacefully. Sammy looked up and saw me. He got up put Eliott in her crib. And walked out.

"I didn't want to wake you so I fed her and changed her diaper" Sammy said deink orange juice out of the jug. I smiled and laughed at him. We recently got our apartment for me, Sammy and Elliott.

"Oh. Jisselle and Deniya are coming home today" I said happily.

"Then go get ready while I clean up the place" Sammy said kissing my lips. I smiled and walked to me adnd Sammy's shared room.

*Justin's P.O.V *

I got up a little early to see how Deniya was doing. Ever since her and Nash got into a fight 2 weeks ago she hss just been depressed and not talking alot. I walked to the front of the bus and everybody was up watching the News. Deniya was sitting At the small table looking out the window with a small bowl of soggy cereal. I sat in front of her and she didn't  move one bit. I waved my hand in her face. Nothing.

"Deniya" I said waving my hand in her face.  She instantly snapped out of it and looked at me lazily.

"You okay" I asked. She shook her head no and looked out the window again.

"Deniya I know how you feel. Your heartbroken for one and sleep driven. I know how it feels to be sleep driven but I don't know how it feels to be heartbroken and Sleep driven at the same time. But when I'm sleep driven I talk about everything thats bothering me to Kenny.....Just talk to me" I said looking at her. She looked at me just stared.

"Can we talk in private" She asked. I smiled and nodded my head. We walked to the back room and she sat on my bed.

*Deniya's P.O.V *

I told Justin everything. He seemed to understand.

"You know I like to write a song or sing these things out" Justin said standing up.

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