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*Johnson's P.O.V *
I woke up and I decided to go to Cameron's house. When I got there I saw a silver Lamborghini.
"Shit"I mumbled to myself. I got out and knocked on the door. After a few moments went by Cameron opened the door.
"Hey. Dude whats up" Cam said letting me in.
"Nothing. Much. Why's Taylor here"I asked annoyed
"Taylor and Jisselle are going to have a lunch today. So there friendship can be fixed"Cameron said hopefully. I shook my head and sat on the couch.
"What's up JJ"Taylor said coming out of the kitchen.
"Nothing. Much bro"I said giving him a bro hug.
"So. Where are we going to eat" Jisselle said walking down the stairs.
"Anywhere ya want"Taylor said standing up.
"Okay. Lets go"Jisselle said grabbing her phone off the coffee table. They walked out and I looked at Cam
"Hopefully he doesn't hurt her again"Cam said.
"Dude. She'll be fine. To get things off your mind. There's a party tonight"I said. Cam eyes shot up and I knew that he wanted to go.

*Jisselle's P.O.V *
I got into Taylors car and we just sat there in complete silence.
"Fuck. Taylor start the damn car"I said laughing. He laughed and started the car.
"So. Where to"He asked.
"Ummmm. Sushi"I asked.
"Classic. Thats the Jisselle I know"Taylor said. I laughed and we went to go get sushi. When we got there we got a table and talked about random things.

"Taylor. Listen to me. I was never mad at you. It was just that I missed you and you left with another girl"I said making eye contact

"So what your saying is that. You were jealous?"Taylor said smirking

"Umm. No. Your my bestfriend and I felt like she was taking you away from me"I said getting defensive

"Why are you getting defensive"Taylor said smirking more.

"I'm not fucking getting defensive" I snapped

"I'm just playing " Taylor said laughing. I just rolled my eyes. We got our food and after we ate we went back to my house.
"So. Jisselle there's this party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go" Taylor asked me.
"Taylor. I'm already going with Aubrey but I'll see you there. Right?"I asked.
"Ya. Of course."Taylor said. I smiled and walked inside. Cam and Johnson were playing Basketball on the XBOX. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to get ready for the party.

*Aubrey's P.O.V *
I woke up around 3pm. I looked at my phone and saw a text message from Jisselle.

Be at my house at 4 we have a party at 7 to go to and I have big news.

I got out of bed packed two pairs of extra clothes plus my outfit for tonight. After I was done I drove to Jisselles house. When I drove up I saw Taylors car.
"Oh. Shit"I mumbled to myself. I grabbed my bag and jumped out of my car. I ran into the house without knocking.
"Where the fuck is that bitch"I yelled. I looked around the living room and saw him sitting down on the couch.
"You"I said charging at him. But I was pulled away. I looked bavk and saw Matt. I yanked away from him grabbed my bag and ran up the stairs.
"Jisselle. You could of told me Matt was here"I yelled at her.
"Matts here"she said tilting her head like she was confused.
"Nooo"I said sarcastically
"I didn't know I swear" Jisselle said putting her hands up in defense. I rolledy eyes and went to her bathroom.
"I'm taking a shower."I yelled on the other side of the door.
"Really. I didn't know that"Jisselle yelled on the other side. I laughed at her and got into the shower.

*Sammy's P.O.V*
Yes Wilkinson

Nash called me last night and asked me if I could help him with getting his girl back. I agreed all I had to do was get her to go to a party with me.

*Deniya's P.O.V *
I woke up to a phone call around 3:45 in the afternoon. I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

Phone Convo
"Hello" I said yawning
"Hey. Deniya"A guys said on the other side. I looked at the caller ID and it was just a number.
"I'm sorry who is this"I asked.
"Haha. You don't have my number. Its Sam"he said.
"Wilkinson"I asked.
"Yes"He said laughing.
"Oh. Hey. Whats up"I said
"Nothing much. But theres this party layer tonight and I wanted to know if you wanted to go"Sam asked.
"Umm. Sure. What time should I be ready"I asked.
"Be ready around 7:30" He said.
"Okay. See ya then"I said before hanging up
End of Convo

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