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*Matt's P.O.V*

I pushed Deniya against the wall and she was saying something when I kissed he.

"What are you doing"she said pushing me off

"I really like you Deniya I am so sorry for what I did I didn't mean to kiss Aubrey it just kinda of happened just please forgive me" I said with tears in my eyes

"I will forgive you but I can't trust you when you lose my trust it is very hard to gain back Matt"she said looking straight in my eyes

"So will you go out with me" I asked

"No Matt I can't I'm sorry I just really can't trust you right now. Go date Aubrey I know you like her a lot"she said with a smile

"Okay you know what I am going to date her because I reallybdo like her don't I yea I do thanks Deniya Friends" I said

"Yep friends bring it in" we hugged when she said that and walked back in the room.

*Johnson's P.O.V*

Deniya and Matt went outside for a long time and I was going to go out there but they came back in and Deniya came and sat next to me

"What was that all about"I asked Deniya

"Matt just wanted to clear things up from last night so ya why" she said

"Just asking"I said.

"Do you wanna like go on a date like tommorow after Magcon" I asked Deniya

"Umm I don't know" she said without making eye contact

"Okay" I said a little disappointed

"You do know that wasn't a no or a yes"she said looking up

"So you'll go" I said excited

"No it means maybe"she said looking back at her phone.

"Oh, well can I ask you something why do girls have to be so complicated"I said with puppy dog eyes

"I don't know" Deniya said getting up and walking to Jisselle

*Deniya's P.O.V*

Should I go out with Johnson? I ask myself sitting next to Jisselle and Aubrey

"Hey"Aubrey said to me

"Heyyyy" I said carrying the Y

"So you and Johnson"she said smirking

"Ummm no let's see you and Matt" I said winking

"Yea about that he hasn't said anything"Aubrey said looking down

"Hey everything's going to be fine trust me he's going to pull through"I said hugging her

"Do you wanna make Jisselle mad"I said smiling she smiled really big and I whispered the plan in her ear. I was surprised that Jisselle didn't hear she was sitting right next to us. Me and Aubrey walk to the door so we wouldn't be killed when we got to the door we looked at each other and both yelled

"SO JISSELLE WHAT ABOUT YOU AND TAYLOR!!!" We wait for a second and saw everyone looking at us and when we saw Jisselle turn the corner we dashed out of the room and into the elevator. We ran in till we were in one of the boys room.

"I think we lost her"Aubrey said

"Thank goodness"I said laying on the bed

"What are you guys doing in here"I hear someone say I look up to see Taylor with a towl around his waist with no shirt I look over to Aubrey and she was staring with her mouth wide open. There was a long silence when we heard a banging on the door.Taylor went to get it.

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