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It has been 6 months. In between this everybodys lives have been pretty good. Jisselle and Shawn sing together at all of his concerts, Cameron found a girlfriend named Raylen, and Gilinsky was dating Madison (Beer). But some bad thing happened too. Aubrey was pregnant and her mom was more than happy to be a grandma. Nash was depressed for 2 months it was like he would  barely Talk, eat, or sleep. All he did most of the time was cry but then he found a girl named Jay.  Johnson has been doing okay too. Its like he forgot about Deniya but when ever somebody would say her name his face would go blank loke when she first left.  And Deniya she was.... well just read the story now to see.

*Matt'sP.O.V *
It was been 6 months since Aubrey has pregnant. But she has been different to. Like shes been cranky and is always craving weird things like peanut butter and sweet tarts or strawberrys soaked in pickle juice. I just can't wait till she has this baby.

*Jisselle's P.O.V *
Its been 6 months since Deniya has been gone. I re-watched all of her YouTube videos and I remeber most of her like her deppresion. Her suicide attempt and everything. I wish she was here so I could just hug her and watch Expelled together over and over again.

*Aubrey's P.O.V *
Its been 6 months and I still haven't heard from Deniya. She got out 2 weeks ago and her birthday was a week ago. We were hungry so we went to  WaterBurger and we ate there. We were there for like10 minutes when a skinny brown hair girl walked in. She looked exactly like Deniya but the body and hair was totally different

Magcon has been canceled for a year so they could like have a vacation.

*Deniya's P.O.V *
I got out of the rehab unit yesterday and thank the lord I didn't run into into any of the guys and Jisselle and Aubrey beause I don't think I'm ready to tell them or see them. I mean I lost ALOT of weight in there and my hair is the original color and when I look in the mirror I see a different Deniya not the Deniys I saw 6 months ago. I was hungry and since I had got my license about a week ago I went to Waterburger

*Johnson's P.O.V *
We were at Waterburger laughing and talking when a girl walked in. She was a little skinner then Deniya and her hair was brown. But her facial features were all the same as Deniya. She ordered her food and sat down right in front of our booth we were sitting at. I guess she didn't see us but she went on her phone.
"Johnson are you okay " Cameron said
"Yea. Staring isn't polite"Matt said

*Cameron's P.O.V *
Johnson kept staring at this girl. It was really creepy because the girl looked excactly like Deniya.
"Johnson are you okay" I asked. He looked scared and then all of our phones went off.
"Fuck. Is this like Pretty Little Liars"Aubrey screamed. It received stares from everybody in waterburger.
"Guys is it just me or did I get a notification that Deniya just tweeted something" Gilinsky said. I looked at Johnson and Nash and both of their faces were scared. I looked over at the girl and she was on her phone. The guy brought her food to her  and she had got chicken tenders with a HI-C drink
"Cameron she got what Deniya gets " Johnson said. I looked at everyone and there eyes were on the mystery girl. She got up to throw away her tray and looked at us. She smiled, dumped her trash and then left.

*Nash's P.O.V *
She walked in and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.
"Babe. Who is that"Jay said sounding jealous
"Ummmmm. I don't know"I said still looking at her
"Then stop looking at her"Jay said pulling me into a kiss.
After we kissed. Everybody got a tweet notification from Deniya. When she was done she got up and left.
"Guys that looked excactly like Deniya but a thinner and brown hair" Aubrey said.
"What did that tweet say"I asked.
" 'Good to be back. But how do I tell the people I love that I'm back' thats that is what it said" Cameron said. I looked over at Jisselle and Johnson and their faces were scared and happy at the same time. I really hope that wasn't Deniya. What am I suppose to say to her about Jay. What will she think? She told me to find another girl. I thought to myself

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