A New Life

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Somewhere in earth-37997....

Yodheya was packing the last of her things in her bag as her 5 years old sister, Divija, was sitting on a stool and humming a tune.

"Didi? What is New York like? Are there loooottts of big buildings? I heard they have looottts of ice cream. Are people there friendly? You're my bestfriend but I need more friends, right? Will I have my own room? I think I will. Oh! And can I get to see Spiderman please? Will he become my friend too? I hope he does. I will tie him a friendship band. Don't worry, I will give you a friendship band too." The little girl rambled on and on. Yodheya chuckled and kept the packed bag aside.
"We'll talk about it tomorrow on the plane, okay. I'll have to make dinner, Divu." Saying that, she closed the door as her sister went in. It was 8:30. Time for him to come back home.

Yodheya Bose was a 16 years old girl living with her sister, Divija Bose, and an abusive maternal uncle. Her mother, father, twin sister, first love, and cousin died some way or the other and her uncle blamed all of it on her. She couldn't help but see them die in front of her eyes as she remained a victim of the situation before someone came and rescued her. She was the victim of the blip along with her sister. But something happened before the blip that left her shocked and confused. She gained powers and somehow they were related to the death of her family members. Only her Mother and her little sister knew about it. For many people it was pretty dope. But to her it wasn't.

"Everything comes with a price." Her Father said and it was right.

With the death of her father, she gained the huge variation of water powers. Her cousin was burned alive and she couldn't do anything and gained the power of fire. Her first love died during the earthquake that ensued as the Children of Thanos spread chaos and she got the powers of earth unwillingly. Her mother knew about her powers all along as she noticed the subtle unnatural things that occurred around them whenever they were around water and fire. Her mother died somehow just before she, along with her little sister got blipped and after 5 years of living in the soul world, when she came back, she gained the powers of air. But that wasn't it. A year before her Father died, her twin sister had the fate of being bound to her. They got into an accident when they were going to school. Yodheya watched her sister bleed to death as she couldn't move because of her wounded head. A few months later she playfully imagined moving her water bottle from the bed in mind and shockingly it did. Having not believed it the first time, she kept moving things until she believed.

It was still unbelievable.

Suddenly, she was moved out of her trance when the doorbell rang. She opened the door and was immediately shoved on the shoe rack near the door.
"What were you doing for so long?" Her uncle shouted.
"Packing the bags." She replied calmly. Getting abused was a normal occurrence in that household. Just before he came back from work, Yodheya made her sister go to their room and lock the door. She could've hurted him with her powers but for the promise. She always disliked her uncle and always tried a way or another to trick him along with Yodhini. But after she and Father died, her Mother made her promise to never hurt her uncle with or without powers. She never knew what kind of a person her brother came to become from the 'just tired' uncle he used to be.

Seemed like there wasn't any loopholes. In sober conscience, he just abused her with his legs, hands and anything he found lying around. Like, one day, he felt like it was a great idea to hurt her with a cloth iron because she accidentally iron burned one of his office shirts. But drunk him was more dangerous. Many attempts of rape was made by him but each time she escaped one way or the other.

One time Divu saved her by banging his uncle's head with a glass plate. She was safe but the consequences next day were horrible as he remembered each thing. After coming back from school, she found multiple bruises on her sister's body. She cried. A lot. She couldn't hurt him directly but the rage within her was so huge that she tampered with the brakes of his car, which resulted in his accident. Unfortunately, he was alive with a big gash on his leg.

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