That's lovely

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"Why're you ignoring me?!"

Gamora followed Nebula to the Lab. The older one has been ignoring the younger one ever since The Battle of Earth ended. Gamora felt abandoned. Of course, she had her boyfriend, and her frien— teammates but there still was that gaping hole that desired the love of her sister now that their 'father' was out of picture. But to her dismay, Nebula ignored her existence altogether.

"We're sisters! You can't pretend like I'm nothing!" She shouted, still following her as Nebula typed out things, occasionally looking at the files placed beside her. Now, Gamora felt her anger rise. In a quick motion, she snatched away the papers and waited for the other to confront her. Finally, Nebula turned around, with her usual sober face.

"Give me those," she demanded, her voice stern and low.

"No. Not until you answer me. I won't let you win this time."
Nebula scoffed. Her eyes immediately stared back into the eyes of the woman opposite to her.

"Win? You never let me win, Gamora. Not once. All you did was castrate every chance of my relief," Nebula said lowly, her voice monotonous and unwavering.

"That's it? That's why you hate me?"

"I never wanted to! Everyone loves a winner and you clearly were one, to him. A part of me was replaced everytime I failed. Limb by limb, organ by organ. I'm more of a machine than a person. All in hopes of making me win. But all he got was rage stoked up every time a part of me was replaced. I just wanted a sister but all I got was picked apart limb by limb to perfection." She finished.

Gamora never knew this is how her sister always felt. She always won, yes, not for selfish reasons but for them. "I had reasons, Nebula! I needed to perfect myself because I wanted to be better than he ever thought I could be! Somewhere in me, I didn't want him alive and he knew that. He made me fight you, refocusing me to hurt you. And I did, hoping to hurt him."

Nebula looked away from her, recounting the memories with Stark, in the spaceship. He helped her know what a friendship was.

"Stark might look like an arrogant twat but he's more than that. When we were stuck in the spaceship, he let me win. It was a simple paper football but I won for the first time. I felt like I had a friend. We could've worked together, became strong together if you cared enough. You never did, and it won't make a difference now if you do now."

"The last thing I want to do is hurt you. I'm your sister!"

"The same sister who left me," she retorted.

"Because I thought you'd follow me but turns out your hate for me was to great for you to stop chasing Thanos! I just happen to love myself enough to leave him though I never wanted to leave you."

"The door is over there, if you're in need of direction. I have to work. Just leave."

"Let's just talk about thi—"

"Leave." Nebula said, more firmly this time and relaxed when she heard a sigh followed by retreating footsteps and the door being closed.
She was already stressed with finding more about the Guherah, what the Indian public liked to call their superheroes.

So far, they knew someone with the name of Mayavi established the superhero organization. They were spread in the whole country with one leader leading each state and every leader under the lead of Mayavi. Even this information was found after days and days of abandoning their health and staying up. The information they had about the superhero system in India was too little but they were grateful to know even that bit. Banner was loyal and didn't spill a single bean regarding anything about all this to help the Avengers.

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