The New Vigilante

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A few days passed as Midtown High was busy obsessing over the vigilante, leaving Yodheya partly at peace. The superhero known as "Elementa", could control the elements and was an adept in tele-powers. The pictures scattered across social media showed that she was a woman/girl in a sleek black skintight bodysuit with golden and silver coloured streaks on it. She had a mask on which revealed her lips whereas her eyes were covered with LED Visior-like black glasses and her hair was in a tight bun.

A bank robbery took place and spiderman wasn't there at that time. A video taken by someone became viral as it showed that Elementa was standing with her hands crossed as she threw off 5 guys with small yellow flicks of her fingers. As a guy charged on her with a big knife, she flicked it off with, what it seemed like, air. Another one was about to shoot her with an advanced gun but the gauntlets around her right wrist released water which she made into a huge ball and hurled on him which destroyed the gun and soon the water disappeared too. During fights, what it seemed like, she merged her powers and released electricity. After the fight ended, roots emerged from the floor of the bank and she trapped them by it. The whole time, she didn't even change positions and even had the audacity to yawn.

The video maker shouted and asked her name. She shouted back "Elementa" and gave them an air kiss. Then she called the police, flipped the robber off and disappeared in thin air. Everyone was talking about her cool powers but guys like Flash had eyes on something else.

"Did you guys see her ass? That was thicc." He said excitedly as he was walking with his friends. Everything was going well until he spotted Peter.

"Hey, Penis Parker! Bet your 'personal' friend spiderman knows that 'Elementa' chick too!"
"Just ignore him, Peter." Ned said as they tried to get past Flash and his friends but of no avail. The situation became more embarrassing as Yodheya appeared on the spot. The school was obsessed over the mystery girl who revealed nothing and was close only to MJ. A few guys(*cough* Flash *cough*) were betting on making her their girlfriend within 2 weeks or ish. Others were flirting with her endlessly or were determined to make her their study partner. After someone spread the word that she was bisexual, quite a few girls joined the line too.

Back to the topic. Yodheya appeared on the spot dressed in her modern boho with her fingers full of rings, wrists with multiple bracelets and huge earrings. She was wearing her nose pin and her black hair cascaded down her shoulder in waves. She looked them and her face morphed into confusion.

"Hey Yodia! Lemme introduce you to this dickwad

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"Hey Yodia! Lemme introduce you to this dickwad. This is our personal favourite Penis Parker who is 'friends' with spiderman." Flash said as many others laughed at Peter. Yodheya didn't find this amusing at all.
"Atleast he has one, can't say the same about you though." She simply said and walked of as MJ said.
"Hey loser! Need some ice?" Then she went off with her friend too.

"Did she talk about dick or friends?"


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