I will never Hail Hydra

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This chapter further has TW. I've already mentioned in on the beginning and at that part if the chapter so do NOT bash me.

Yodheya was quite okay with her life. She now had a family along with her sister. Except, she always felt like someone was following her alter-ego. That could be a fan.

But this was Yodheya, scepticism was her middle name and she knew it had to be some kind of evil organisation that wanted her in their team so they could brainwash her, train her, use her against avengers blah blah blah.

Also, Ann was talking to her friend about a horrible murder documentary in which a girl was being followed and the criminal later found out her house killed her family and then her when she returned back home just because the murderer wanted but couldn't have the girl. As much as the girl popped out randomly from anywhere, she was known to speck three languages– English, sarcasm and facts so undoubtedly, Yodheya listened to what she had to say. In Yodheya's case, maybe that wouldn't be murder, but a brainwash.

It wasn't that she was not worried about this, but brainwash wouldn't be a good option as she could easily enter their minds and do something fatal.

Call her dangerous, call her evil but she knew when to use which power of her. Even hand combat was a bad option against a person who mastered all four stages of one of the most oldest and deadliest art of fight in just 10 years.
She had problems bigger than them.

MJ once caught her covering up a bruise she got while dealing with a drunk uncle. She also spotted a burn Yodheya got when her uncle hurled a hot fry pan on her.
MJ knew not to force it but she was clever and observant.

Divija was clever enough to make up an excuse to MJ for each wound her sister got while getting abused or while fulfilling missions.
She had to face the wrath of her uncle too, albeit rarely, and that's why Yodheya was working on a new invention.

Elemental hand mounted repulsors.

She had been working on it for quite some time, even before coming to NYC, almost 5 months. It was kinda like iron man ones but with much lesser energy and wirelessly connected with the sun-pendent of Yodheya. The repulsor would look like a small pendant on Divija's neck.
It could be activated by her touch and the chosen blast could be released by setting the dial behind the palm once it would take position on the palm.

The supply of certain things were quite hard but the was an electronic shop three blocks away from her restaurant. They were a normal electronic shop all day but by night, they converted into a place of weapon upgrade and tracking criminals or hack into their safe bases.
Working with weapons were their best suit but computers were really easy to them too. They all collected rare parts by breaking into junkyards at late nights.
Yes, Elementa had her own guy-in-chair or rather girls-in-chair.

Besides Divija, now these girls knew about her secret too as they helped her without a fee because they were quite the friends. They were none other than Johanna, Yuna and Ayana.
Apparently, they worked in the shop to provide their own shares of social work but then they noticed Elementa with advanced technology in her suit which was only possible for genius.

Spiderman wasn't a big issue for them as he was an Avenger so obviously he would be helped by Tony Stark.

Yodheya was changing from her Elementa attire and forgot to check if someone was coming, the girls spotted Elementa entering an alleyway and decided to go and talk to her.

Quite dumb of Yodheya and clever of them.

Their whole surprised faces to see the real person behind the mask couldn't possibly be described in a nutshell. And that's how they became a crucial help of the Elementa. Now, they were working on the repulsors with her believing she needed it for situations when she would become weak enough to not summon her power.

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