We are Family

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Smol a/n- Tom Holland can run over me with a truck anyway and I'd worship him smh 😔

Yodheya arrived at her locker and was immediately lunged on by MJ.
"When's your next performance?" She asked excitedly.

The day before, she introduced Yodheya to Bonnie. The girl was very shy and stuttered a few times. MJ was praising her talent in art the whole time and Bonnie's pale skin was full deep pink the whole time. It took time but she opened up and was actually really fun.

But the real drama happened when Divija and her, along with the couple, went to a small café. MJ and Bonnie weren't a fan of PDA and even hand holding was rare between them (though MJ said that they had steamy movies session very often). A guy apparently thought that they were just group of friends and catcalled Bonnie. This angered MJ as she spilled her coffee on him and kissed her girlfriend in front of the whole café for 15 whole seconds. The whole time, Divija covered her eyes and chanted Lord Krishna's name in the rapid speed of lighting and Yodheya stared at them with mouth agape with surprise.

When their kiss ended, MJ sat down with a satisfied smirk and Bonnie stifled a smile growing on her face as she blushed furiously. Divija was being extra dramatic the whole time.

"Can I have a special girl-friend like MJ if special boy-friends are not allowed?" Divija whined and flailed her hands. Yodheya and Bonnie chocked on their drinks and MJ started laughing.
"No special boy-friends or girl-friends until 16. I made the rules clear yesterday." Yodheya stated as a matter-of-factly.
"Just because you're single doesn't mean I'm staying single too!" Divija pouted and crossed her hand. A series of 'ooohs' rose from their table as she went 👁👄👁💧. MJ spoke up.
"You want aloe or cookies?"

"I don't know. Whenever you bring your girl." Yodheya smirked and suggested.

"Oi! My girl is off-limits." She mustered a glare at her.

"Oohoo.... possessive much." She laughed and raised her eyebrows.

At that moment, Peter and Ned arrived.
"Hey guys!" They greeted cheerfully.

"Heyo, sonnies." Yodheya greeted as MJ went aside to text her girlfriend.

"What's she doing?" Peter asked casually.

"Talking with Bonnie. That girl is one cutie." Yodheya responded back casually.

She knew it might make him jealous but he seriously needed to move on. She turned her head towards him and surprisingly, didn't spot even a small speck of jealousy. This guy was obvious with his feelings and she would spot him jealous whenever MJ talked to or about her girlfriend. Even Ned was surprised too but then his face turned all happy as they shared their bro-hug. Yodheya saw their exchange with smile on her face as anyone could tell that these guys were practically brothers.

Smiling, she headed to their first class with them.


When she mentioned Bonnie's name, Peter didn't feel jealous at all. It was surprising. How a couple days ago, he admired MJ from a distance but now his eyes always settled towards Yodheya. But unfortunately, a lot of eyes were settled on her. Her black hair was straightened today and she looked really different. Her usually slightly frizzy and curly hair looked much more tamed and different.

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