First Mission

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A/n- Please read author's note OwO

It was her first mission and she couldn't ruin it in anyway. This Jonathan was planning something against Tony Stark and she couldn't let him do that.

Yodheya put on her hoodie and leggings and rings as she got ready.
She locked the door of her room and stuck a small sensor on it so that Divija would be alerted whenever their uncle would try opening her door.

Without wasting another minute, she packed her small duffel bag with a few things and climbed down the fire escape. Discreetly, she went to a dark alleyway which was empty. She looked around. There wasn't anyone around but that wasn't enough. She closed her eyes and allowed her mind to spread and search if she could sense someone else. No one.

Removing her hoodie, she stood in the cold air with just a sports bra and black leggings and lifted her hand and pressed a small button on the ring she never removed. Suddenly, her body and face got covered by a sleek black catsuit. She lifted her duffel bag and took out an advanced knife and fitted it on her waist and slid on her water gauntlets on her wrists. She made a tight hair bun and put on her sound-nullifying shoes. Yes. She made all these by herself. After Yodhini died and she discovered her powers, she decided to use it for the good of others. Others thought that the loss of her sister made her sulk in her room but no one knew that she spent hours researching and making these amazing inventions with the help of her sister's blueprint. She even made her own A.I. and called her Dinu. Her twin. She processed it to talk to her like Yodhini in a funny, sarcastic way. It even had her voice.

"Hello Diya! Where to, today? To rob a bank? Set fire on the Delmar's? Or murder our good ol' mayor?" The A.I. said sarcastically.
"Nah! Too much of good work. Let's just go beat the ass of that richie Jonathan, rat-shit."
"You're on, pig-snot."
With that, the Elementa was seen jumping from one building to another with her excellent parkour skills. After a good 20 minutes of swinging, she reached the huge building.
The already asked her A.I. to hack on the security. As the green lights on the gate went off, Elementa spread her mind to find cameras. She found 4 near the entrance and 2 near the gates. Small jolts of electricity destroyed them as she proceeded inside.

Jumping over the gates she reached on the other side and landed as her feet didn't make any sound since she made the shoes sound nullifying. There were 2 guards on both sides. Both of them felt her presence and turned towards her and lifted their guns. Elementa's hands went up as maroon glow appeared on her hand and both the guards passed out and wouldn't wake up for 5 hours.
"That was a dope shit!" Her A.I. cheered.
"I'm born dope." She whispered.
"Excuse me, I'm the intelligent twin."
"I'm the stronger twin."
Both of them fell silent as the A.I sensed something.
"There is a door in the back of the building on the left side. The hallway is clear and there are no guards. You have to crack the code. It's much more complex for an A.I." Dinu said, seriously.
"Gotcha. You just admitted that I'm more intelligent, by the way."

She made her way towards her door, occasionally damaging a CCTV or two that the A.I. pointed out. As she reached the location, she searched for the door which was nowhere to be found.
"Dinu, I told you, no pranks on missions!" She whisper-yelled.
"Pass through the bushes, you blind bamboo!" Dinu retorted back. She did as the A.I. told and surprisingly, found a locked metal door hidden.
"5 points to Ravenclaw, rat-shit." She whispered to her A.I. with a smirk on her face.
"5 points from Gryffindor, pig-snot." Dinu said. Elementa took out her laptop and tried cracking the code. After 2 failed attempts, she finally got the code.

As the metal doors opened, Dinu told her that there were CCTV throughout the hallway and there was no way she could destroy them without making anyone more suspicious than she already did.

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