"...missed the control."

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Yodheya started feeling a weird sensation in her chest that evening.

It was hollowing, overwhelming, full... just everything at once. Her heart was racing erratically and her mind urged her to head out for some fresh air. For a few minutes, she resisted the temptation and fitted the screws on the huge metallic hoop. MJ was typing away in the computer erratically.

The were currently in the basement of Ayana, Yuna and Johanna's shop. It was huge and had many of the things necessary for the building of their new project. The other three were once again off to the scrap yard to steal something using the rings they used in the heist. Yodheya insisted to go but they basically forced her to stay and work on the huge machine alone and do the fun part on their own.
Divija was upstairs, watching a Disney movie.

Yodheya now became desperate. The skin of her fingertips crawling for something...
Suddenly, she stood up.

"Dude, I'm going outside. Need some fresh air." Without even waiting for an answer, she suited up and teleported to a random alley.

The sun was setting already yet the streets were busy as ever. But Yodheya was not paying mind to any of them. The only thing on her mind was to reach the top of a random building.
When she started climbing, a series of cheer could be heard from down there yet she didn't turn back for once.
Finally, after a few minutes she climbed to the top, all she did was just stare straight at the sun.

The feeling in her chest felt like it was missing someone... her heart yearned for someone. It wasn't was twin, parents, little sister, friends or even Peter. It was just....
Maybe someone she had seen in an influx of strangers everyday but lost in the flurry of her busy daily. Or maybe it was someone she didn't know at all.

Right now, she had a lot in her plate. She was successful in removing the location tracker in the Möbius wristlet but apart from that, it was all dark.

The girls and her were a little over halfway through the making of a teleportation machine. Yodheya could teleport but the process of going thousands of miles, that too, with someone else, could drain her so badly that she could need a rest of atleast a week. With the help of the machine, she could finally go back to meet the Guherahs and her Kalari teacher.

Also, just a couple days ago, the Government released a statement that basically said that some bullshit Bills, articles and a group of obese people basically wanted Elementa to be under their supervision. Also, since she was a solo superhero and seemed like a foreigner due to some ring or earrings that she stopped wearing as soon as the rumors started spreading. Well jokes on the Government, Elementa wasn't owned by anyone. Even the Guherahs didn't own her. Giving someone up her own power was too scary and she knew the cruelty of the world well enough to not work under anyone.

Elementa was her own supervisor.

To top it all off, she had to perform in the Broadway, day after tomorrow. Great. Just great.

As she watched the sun set in the distance, the cool wind blowing against her face, her Visior glasses showed notified the messages of the girls. She ignored them. If it was an emergency, they would certainly call her.
So, she stared off at a distance until the sun went down, and it was dark already.

Yodheya knew she had to go make dinner and then get ready for her shift but she couldn't bring herself to move just yet. She wanted to run away. From all of these. At this point it was just becoming pathetic how vulnerable she was getting every passing day.
When she was Kalki, she was strong... too strong to break. Maybe she didn't have friends but did that matter? But she wasn't happy too back then.
Although vulnerable to so many, she was happy now.

Now, she slowly started climbing down the building, her chest feeling weird. Not that she hasn't been feeling that already. When she finally reached the ground, she felt a slight pain in her mind. The same pain she felt when she felt in last in India. And she knew what was about to happen now.

She was going to black out.

She could feel the black tendril of dark power slither closer and closer to mind and Yodheya immediately countered it with her gold one. She needed to stay conscious. Last time, she had killed the criminal instead of turning them under the police custody. The government went feral since Guhera was a huge unregistered organization and the murder of one criminal could slowly lead to the possibility of them governing the country. Yodheya was yelled at, the thing she hated, by so many.

This, kind of, angered Yodheya and the furniture in the room immediately broke from her emotional impact. Nobody had seen her this way and honestly, most of the Guhera members got a bit scared. The rest flinched. Except one. Mayavi.
She just sat still, a small amused smile on her face. All the powerful sorceress told Yodheya was to get it contact with her whenever she felt strange.

Slowly, she made her way to a random empty alleyway when suddenly she again felt the powerful black tendril but before she could counter it with her gold one, the tentacle already wrapped itself around her mind.

"AGGHH!" Yodheya shouted with a growl of her voice but nobody was there.

It was just a dark empty alleyway. Clutching her head with both hands, she fell hard on her knees on the concrete ground. Yodheya's body trembled horribly as slowly black trails started growing on one part of her face and just ended just before it could reach her nose. Black branched out tentacles.
Veins popped out from her neck as she whimpered painfully and buried her face in her hands.

Externally she looked tired as she crouched on the ground with hands covering her face. A few moments later, she looked up.

Except, this wasn't Elementa anymore.

When she looked up, there was a malicious smirk covering her face. Her eyes were pitch coal black. A sudden chuckle broke through her throat as she brushed her hands all over her attire.

"I guess, I missed the control," she breathed out. Her voice was huskier than usual.

She looked ahead with narrowed eyes, before crouching down like a tiger. In a flash, she jumped like her body weighed nothing and sharply or gracefully, parkoured her way deeper down the alleyway. The area she was heading too was notorious for the breeding houses of druggists, murders and, other criminals.

As she headed deeper into the area, her eyes fell on a few stoners but none of them noticed her as she swung over them.

A loud shriek from a ragged shack rose and that's when her eyes snapped in that direction. She slowly walked towards her destination. The area surrounding the shack was empty; not a single soul in sight around the area. Steps as predatory as an animal, she approached the door and even without touching it, blew it off.
That's when her eyes narrowed down on a raggedy, bulky guy on top of a naked girl who appeared to be unconscious, her face tear-streaked.

"Whatcha doin' here, babygirl?" The man said as he looked back with a nasty grin.

Khaluk just smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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