The Cute Guy

49 5 14

(Okay this chapter might be kinda trash... I've just seen such things in a few movies so...)

A few days passed. Yodheya, with the help of her previous science teacher's husband who lived here in NYC, enrolled herself in Midtown. Her classes were starting from next day and she already forged the signature of her guardian and bought the books. She had to steal some money from her uncle again as her own savings weren't enough. That man had a huge stack of notes in his wallet and the disappearance of few 10 dollars wouldn't affect him. Now that her savings were over, she had to find a job.

Yodheya and Divija were strolling casually on the streets. The elder girl found a job at the restaurant. The salary wasn't that bad but it certainly wasn't enough. She was determined to save up enough money to move away and get herself admitted to MIT.
It was really hard to find the job but there was a new restaurant open and it was hiring waitresses. The uniform was almost 5 inches above her knees. The tight skirts were never her forte as she had quite the curves and atleast a couple pair of eyes would stick to her ass no matter what.

A tug on her hand broke her free from her trance as she looked at her sister.
"What's the matter, Divu?" She asked her sister.

"Look! The girls are playing drums, guitar and casio. Can we give them some money please? No one's listening to them. Pretty please?" Divu requested, making puppy eyes, knowing her sister couldn't resist it.

She always had quite the kind heart and Yodheya always adored her for that. But now they were in a rough patch. She would do anything to fulfill the wishes of only best thing remaining in the life but at this moment this wasn't possible. Yodheya could forsee the simple fact that she would have to work two jobs and steal from her uncle on a regular basis, without getting caught, to afford both if them. She kindly refused a couple times but Divija was adamant. You see, she did kind of understand their financial situation but at times her childish demands took over her understanding. Divija kept demanding until her sister complied.

"Alright. Whatever you say," Yodheya said with a sigh, to which her sister cheered.

As they reached there, the three girls already started packing up.
"Why are you packing up?" Divu asked, her face morphing into a small frown. She was really excited to see them play.
"No one listens anyway. What's the use of a these?" The Asian girl in indie said, packing up her guitar, not even sparing a glance at Divija. Another girl in a preppy attire with glasses on, who was on the casio, looked at the little girl and smiled. The girl at drums, dress in casual goth, looked at Yodheya with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Why won't anybody listen to you?" Divu asked again. Now the girl with casio responded.

"5 years ago, our band was quite famous here in neighbourhood. But after the blip everyone stopped coming. Three of us were blipped but our singer didn't. When we came back, she already moved out and no one really wanted to sing on the streets. And you know, nobody wants to just listen to instrumentals. So...." she finished by signalling towards themselves. Suddenly, Yodheya had an idea. She wasn't a bad singer and singing on the streets wasn't such a bad idea if she could get money.

"I can sing for you if you want." She spoke up for the first time. Everyone stared at her. Finally the goth girl walked up to her.

"Look newbie. We don't know you and we aren't taking you on our band all of a sudden. We'll find a way, somehow." The girl said lowly. She was quite intimidating but Yodheya's gaze didn't falter. The girl with the guitar spoke up.

"How 'bout a try? We don't like and we kick her out. We like her and she sings."
"That's a good idea." The casio girl agreed with her. The drummer didn't say anything but retreated back to her seat and took out her drum sticks.
"One chance. One chance is all you get." She said, their eyes locked.
"One chance." Yodheya repeated. She was given a mic and the girls took out their instruments.

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