Well, what can be worse?

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"WHY IS THERE A HAIR IN MY SUSHI?! I can't believe this! Where is your manager?" The voice of the karen rang for the umpteenth time.

Yodheya approached her once again. Almost everyone in the restaurant now looked at the red haired lady with a bob cut in annoyance. Yodheya apologetically glanced at the lady, glanced at the plate and smugly looked up.

"Sorry to disappoint, ma'am, but none of our chefs have have red hai—"


"I never said that, ma'am."


"What do you want, ma'am?"

"I want you take away this crap, bring me something else and give me a refund."

"Of course! That is, after we check our cameras."

The lady's face paled at this. Yodheya wasn't having any of the bitch's bullshit. She was about to call Rowan when the lady suddenly stood up to head out.

"I'm not going to sit here and let you harass me! I'll call the cops."

Yodheya immediately stopped her. "Ma'am, we don't know whose hair it is. I'm sorry, but you'll have to stay here until we find it."

"There's no need for that, Ms. Bose. I've already taken care of that," Rowan suddenly appeared, led by Holland and Mona. The Karen's eyes widened drastically.

Even though Rowan couldn't be taller than 5'2", she was one of the most intimidating person if she got angry. Suppressing a shit eating grin, Yodheya backtracked to her colleagues. "Thanks," she whispered to the the two people beside her who flashed her a thumbs up in unison.

"Honestly, she was fucking with my patience," Mona said, a frown directed to the lady who was currently howling at the top of her voice saying she getting harassed even though there was no one within a whole meter of her vicinity.

"Woah, Miss Ma'am is using f-words now? Tch. Tch. Shh baby, don't say bad wor— oww!" Holland tried to tease the blonde girl but was hit on the gut.

Eventually, after paying for the food with her goddamned money, chaos and dumbbitchery, the lady was, unfortunately, respectfully shoved out of the place. Apologizing, to the customers, finally Rowan caught a break and left the scene by flashing her workers a smile. Thanks to whoever's up there, Rowan was a genuinely good person and a boss so, instead of forcing Yodheya to apologize for something that wasn't her fault, Rowan stood up for her and she was extremely grateful.

The rest of the day droned on calmly as usual. Nothing really was out of place except the beas— LADY from the afternoon incident.

Finally, it was time for her to head home. After Quinn took over, she peacefully headed out. In her bag was the remaining lasagna that one of the chefs who was kind enough to heat up. A smile grew on her face when she imagined the face of her sister. It would be their first time having lasagna. Also, she wouldn't have to make dinner after a busy day. Clutching her bag close to her chest, she skipped along the side walk happily.

Suddenly, a low whistle caught her ear. Normally, this wasn't the way something would catch her attention but now, it did since the voice seemed to be beyond the decibels of human hearing. There were a few people on the road but no one heard it. The fact that there were few people on the road at this time was more surprising.
The block was never this empty at 11.30.

Should I check it? She thought but decided against it when her palm felt a warmth from the thick fabric of her bag. She had more important matters than some animal luring sound.

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