Spiderman Happened

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Yodheya met up with MJ near her locker.

"Let me guess. Got laid last night?" MJ said as she had a good look at her friend who had bags under her eyes.

"Yeah. With the monster under Divu's bed." She grumbled as both of them headed towards their class.

Betty and Jason were talking news about Elementa. A few pictures of her with a raised middle finger, giving air kiss and doing a two-fingered salute was going viral on internet. Her phone pinged and she opened it to see that Ned sent her yet another meme. This was an Elementa meme.

It was a picture of Tobey Maguire smiling while crying and over that it was written, "When your life is fucked up bad but you remember that you're Bi and there are 2 superheroes who make your heart skip a beat."

Yodheya smiled. It was a genuine smile. Ned had a wierd way of making a person happy. She got another motto of life.

"When life's pretty fucked up, go search for a Ned."


Peter's eyes found Yodheya as she was walking down the corridor to their history class. Others were staring at her too. She was wearing a beret along with big hoop earrings. That was something new today.

(Yodheya just found these and wanted to dress up weird and good for herself 😔✊🏽)

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(Yodheya just found these and wanted to dress up weird and good for herself 😔✊🏽)

Had any other person pulled off the same look, he would've thought that her rings weren't going with their attire. But this was Yodheya. She could easily pull off quirky looks. Or maybe he was just used to seeing her wear things that usually don't go with each other.
Was MJ wearing a her ponytail higher?

Peter went to history class alone as Ned didn't take up history. MJ didn't take history too.
He went to his class and sat down alone. History was always spent by Mrs. Thomas's boring lecture about Hitler or some ish. It was unlikely for someone to sit beside him but it happened that day. Yodheya took her seat beside him and smiled softly. He felt a ticking in his stomach. The one that he called 'butterflies' whenever he was around MJ. That couldn't be, right?
Peter was stealing glances at her while she kept on writing.

Their next class was Physics. The four friends seated nearby so that they could work on the project assigned.
"Does anyone feel sus about this whole project?" Ned whispered out of the blue.

"We had and still have a bad feeling about this." MJ replied.

"My previous school completed this syllabus when we were in 8th grade but we never received a project that included completing the invention left unfinished by a scientist." Yodheya gave her opinion.

"If we finish this, we can't give this away to the school." Peter said. Yodheya looked at him and understood why. Something this genius could be over media in minutes and bad guys would try their luck on getting hands on this.

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