Chapter Fourteen

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Mermaid Adriana’s P.O.V

            I had felt a strange power radiating outside the school. It was gradually coming closer. I hand signaled the girls to begin to sing. Aria, of course, started everyone off. She opened her beautiful lips and began the haunting melody of the sea. Though most of us had forgotten the taste of the salty sea by now. Our captivity now thousands of years old. The power source picked up its pace as soon as we all harmonized. I smirked mid tune, knowing that I had caught the person in our ominous song, much like a Black Widow and her silky threaded web—we have captured our prey.

            Suddenly I felt the strange power halt and I looked up. At the drawbridge stood a human girl. She was staring down wonderingly at us. All the other mermaids looked to me for an order. I squinted at the girl. She was quite stunning—by human standards—by mermaid standards she was quite plain. I took in her utter lack of adornments with a frown. Why did humans always go around so—so plainly? Urghh! They would be much prettier with some sparkly rocks or starfish or even abalone shells or… wait im getting off track. Right the power source. I focused in on her power trying to get a read on it and I gasped immediately opening my eyes and letting out a warning call to my sisters. They all immediately dove down and into the hidden alcove under the water. Our meeting spot. I took one last look at the girl, no longer thinking she was just another human. No. She was much more to everyone. Especially us.

            I sat on the highest rock reserved just for the highest ranking. Seeing as my mother was gone on business left me in charge of our Clan. I stared into each of my sisters eyes looking, searching, for what I needed to see. I saw confusion on some, irk on others, and the rest all stared at me waiting patiently.

            I took a breath then began, “We have found her.” Immediately the Clan broke out into surprised gasps, even one shriek, and excited whispers. I raised my hand and a hush fell over the group.

            But before I could speak a snide voice cut me off, “How would you know, Adriana? You are not your mother.” I turned and locked eyes with one of my sisters, Helen. She is a golden goddess. Her amber eyes locked with my own red ones and she gave me a ugly sneer.

            I delicately raised a brow. “Excuse me Helen, but if I remember correctly you were not born with the insight. I was.” My voice came out regal and cold. She growled at the insult and clenched her fists. But she remained silent. I turned back to the rest of my now anxious sisters. “Sisters, we must act immediately, if we do not the girl will not survive to fulfill her prophecy.” I paused. “the prophecy that will free us from the shackles of humans.”

            My sisters cried out in agreement. More than ready to be free.

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