Chapter Two

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I sat in my room seething. If smoke could come out of my ears I think it would have done so. I was unbelievably angry.

That bastard! What was he playing at? He knows that I wanted all my life to get into The Other World School of Magic! And his evil mother, what is she playing at?

Then a chill crept into my bones. It clicked. The sneaky suspicion popped into my head that they want the Grimm throne.

I shook my head vigorously as if to clear my mind of such thoughts. That’s not possible. They might be evil but they aren’t that evil. And besides it wasn’t possible. The first born is always the next in line, unless- I died. I shivered at the thought of my demise and Lukas’s gain. But I don’t have to worry about that. They would never try anything.

Would they? a soft voice whispered in the back of my mind.

I shook my head again and stood up. I needed to start packing, I left tomorrow for school.

That I was leaving so soon didn’t bother me in the least. I didn’t have anyone besides my father to say goodbye to. I just simply didn’t have any friends. Lukas made sure of that.

While I might be the most powerful human, well half human, alive didn’t mean that I automatically had friends. It didn’t mean I was respected. It didn’t mean people were nice to me. Quite the opposite. People my age hated me and abused me in every way possible. I don’t know what Lukas did to make them hate me so but what ever he did worked like a charm.

I sighed. Times like this I wished I had my mother.

I walked over to my desk and picked up the only photo I had of her. She was heavily pregnant with me sitting under a beautiful willow tree. Her face was turned up towards the camera. She had big cupid bow lips spread into a playful smirk and big beautiful blue eyes. Her hair was a raging flame of red, just like mine, and her eyebrows were raised as if she was taunting the camera man. Her hands lay over her swollen belly laced together.

I searched her face for any signs of myself hidden. I have the same heart shaped face dotted with freckles, the same cupid bow lips and the same long raging red hair. But that was it; my eyes were a pale grey/green, and my nose was slightly pointed while hers was rounded. I reached up and felt my ears, another thing I knew I shared with her, the slight point at the tips. My mother was a fairy. So that is why I am half human. (Grimm’s are human; we just are cursed with the task of bearing the souls to the other side.)

I am the most powerful Grimm in the history of my bloodline (well when I come into my powers). No Grimm has ever been able to conceive a baby with a fairy. It was thought physically impossible. So no one ever tried. Until my father met my mother and they fell in love and married and well had me. But after my mother gave birth to me she became deathly ill. And soon fell into a coma then withered away into fairy dust as fairies do when they die.

Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I held a guilt that it was my fault that she died.

I ran a soft finger over the picture. I may have never known her, but I still loved her none the less.

I still had two more months until my 18th birthday when I would come into my fey powers and my full Grimm powers. That was also my coronation day, the day I would become Queen of the Grim Reapers.

I set the picture frame down and collapsed onto my bed. I sighed quietly and curled up into a ball.

I suppose that I could pack in a little bit…yes a little bit.

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