Chapter Eighteen

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Nelly’s P.O.V

            The mermaids coerced me into letting them play with my hair and for some odd reason my feet as well.

            I laughed outright when one of the mermaid-Hillary-touched my big toe. She gave me an odd look. “That makes you laugh?” she asked.

            I shrugged, “Yeah, it tickles.”

            “Tickles? What does that mean?” one of the younger girls asked.

            I smiled then launched myself at her and began to tickle her viciously. She thrashed and began to hysterically laugh.

            I leaned back when I was satisfied I had tickled her near to death. “That my friend is tickling.”

            She gasped and giggled sitting up straighter. She looked at me and began to laugh whole heartedly. “That was so much fun!”

            We spent the rest of the night like that playing around and splashing each other. By the end of the night my hair had been beaded and adorned with shells and starfish, making me feel as though I was one of them.

            Like I belonged.


            I pulled my body out of the water feeling wrinkly like a prune. I stood and pulled on my clothes, they stuck to me and it was difficult but they would do until I got to my dorm room. I looked around for Adriana but I couldn’t find her, so instead I just waved goodbye to the girls and headed out of the cave.

            I found Ember hiding behind a bolder sleeping so I scooped him up into my arms and began my trek back to my dorm. I walked all the way back to the moonstone wall and I knocked on it just as Adriana had done and was rewarded with the opening of a passageway. I step through and onto the soft grass of the courtyard.

I found my way through the courtyard and to my dorm. I slipped inside and headed to my room. It was just how I left it, my bags even in the same place.

After changing I pulled myself and Ember up onto the bed and under the soft green covers. I fell quickly into a dreamless sleep.


I woke to Ember’s hot breath on my face. I smiled and hugged him closer. Then there was a knock at my door.

Grumbling I got off the deliciously comfy bed and stumbled to the door. Opening it I found Mistress Monroe standing there. She grinned up at me.

“Hello dear, sorry for waking you, but today is the day everyone is being assigned to their classes. So hurry and get ready. I’ll be waiting in the courtyard for to bring you to the sorting room.”

I nodded and gave her a small smile.

After she left and I closed the door I hurried to find appropriate clothes. I sorted through my bags until I found my green summer dress. I slipped it on and began to brush out my unruly hair, wincing as I brushed out the tough knots. Once my hair was tamed (as tamed as it’ll ever be) I went on a search for my simple white ballet flats.

I was on my belly looking under the bed for them when I felt Ember jump off of the bed. I backed up and saw that he held the pair of shoes in his mouth. I laughed out loud at the look in his eyes

"Thanks Ember.” I mumbled smiling at him.

No problem Penelope, A raspy voice echoed in my head. So startled was I that I banged my head trying to sit up. I backed up out from under the bed and launched myself at him.

“Ember! Was that you?!” I screamed I was so excited. I could see his dragon like smirk and the nod of his scaly head. “Why couldn’t we speak before!?”

He eyed me and puffed out a small smoke ball, our bond wasn’t strong enough then. But now it is so now we can commune telepathically. I hugged him closer and smiled. I was beyond happy.

Then I remembered I had to go to get my assigned classes. I hopped up and ran out the door Ember trailing behind me. We found Mistress Monroe in the courtyard standing with a bunch of other girls.

I walked over taking in each of their faces, weary of them. It was common knowledge that packs of wild girls and I do not mix well. Usually the outcome is not great on my part.

A girl with brown hair turned and smiled at me, I gave a weak grin back as I took in her appearance. She was wearing a light pastel pink dress with a matching big pink bow that tied her hair back. Next to her was a girl who looked like typical skinny grunge girl. Her hair is pitch black and her shoes are velvet and platform. She looked at me with her big brown eyes she didn’t smile she just nodded and turned back to Mistress Monroe. All other girls seemed to notice me then. Their reactions ranged from courious to blank all except for one girl. I looked up as I stopped next the brown haired girl to see a short girl with strawberry blonde hair and green eyes staring me down. I smiled at her but she just continued to stare. Even after Mistress Monroe startled talking. I would be lying if I said it didn’t unnerve me.

“Okay girls here is the deal, all of the new students will arrive then be taken to the trial rooms to be tested then everyone is sent to the auditorium to be assigned to their classes based on their power skills. Okay?”

The girl who was staring me down looked away and raised a delicate hand. Mistress Monroe nodded, “Why is there a new girl here? Shouldn’t she be tested?” she asked in a whiney voice. I looked at Mistress Monroe and saw her eye twitch.

“Trinity, Penelope has already been tested. She is on rank with the rest of you as far as I am concerned and Professor Barega agrees as well. Any more questions?” the girl Trinity’s eyes narrowed and she curled her lip at me.

What had I done to deserve this now?

I felt a hand on my arm and looked up to the kind eyes of the brunette dressed in pink. “Don’t worry about that, Trinity is a bitch to everyone. She thinks that someone will boot her from her position as Head Girl in the school.”

I cocked my head to the side. “I don’t follow why would I be a threat to her position?”

The girl opened her mouth to respond but the grunge girl answered first. “Because you are new, because you have obviously strong powers, and because you already have a dragon. You are the biggest threat since Angelica.”

“Poor Angelica.” The brunette murmured.

I was officially freaked. “What happened to Angelica?”

They just looked at me with sad eyes.

Then the brunette clapped. “Oh I forgot, my name is Hayley Prim and this is Christine Applegate.” She looked at me expectantly.

“My name is Penelope Grimm. But everyone just calls me Nelly.” Their mouths popped open and I laughed nervously. “You know,” I said after a good minute, “If you keep your mouths open that long I bet you catch some flies and pixies.” They both snapped their mouth shut and I laughed at how in sync they were.

They traded a look and then Hayley said, “Well Trinity will definitely try to kill you now.”

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