Chapter Fifteen

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Sebastian’s P.O.V

            I stood stunned, fireworks still buzzing behind my eyelids. But then what just had happened registered. She ran away. She pushed me away.

            My heart felt broken into tiny little pieces by her rejection.

            I immediately reached out on the thin strand of a bond we shared to find her. She was out in the courtyard.

            Without thinking I ran to her. Using my werewolf speed I got there quickly. I stopped under the floating clock. I looked around, my eyes instantly falling on her.

            MATE. My wolf screamed. He thrashed around wanting to come to the surface. I fought him down as I stared.

            She was folded delicately on a stone bench seemingly absentmindedly petting Ember. He sensed me and turned his alluring gaze on me giving indication that I was there. Slowly Nelly turned her head and looked at me. Her perfect face was perfectly blank. I swallowed hard.

            “Penelope, I’m sorry I didn’t mean for that to happen—“

She interrupted me. “Oh yeah sure you didn’t. you think I don’t know your type? Hmm? Mr. Player.” She narrowed her eyes at me. “You think I don’t know what you’re trying to pull?”

“It’s not like that—“

“Oh then what is it like?” she taunted. She was standing now facing me head on. My wolf let out a howl, liking that she stood up for herself but he did not like the tone she was using.

Tell our feisty mate what she is to us… that she is OURS. My wolf paced agitated.


“Stop calling me that! Only my father calls me Penelope!” Her curly hair slipped out of its tight bun and swirl all around her shoulders a mane of fiery locks to frame her beautifully pale face. She looked like a goddess full of wrath and vengeance.

“Woman! If you would stop interrupting me I would explain to you that we are mates! Bound together by the moon Goddess.” At her mention the moon seemed to suddenly shine to its full illumination, filling the air around them with silver swirls.

“M-mate?!” Penelope squeaked.

I couldn’t hold back the satisfied smile that crept up my face. “Yes you are my mate. I am a werewolf and you are my mate—my soul mate.”

And then Nelly suddenly wavered. She stumbled backwards and onto the stone bench. I rushed forward and caught her before she fell and set her down gently. The sparks flying and igniting in the silver light of the moon from where we touched.

“Penel—Nelly,” I corrected myself. “I’m sorry this is too much to absorb right now. Just relax.” I rubbed small circles on her back. She leaned into my touch seemingly unconsciously needing me as much as I need her. Then she stiffened and jumped up and out of my arms.

She whirled on me. “Don’t you dare touch me. I am not your mate you crazy MUTT!” she screeched the last word and turned and ran away again.

I just sat there stunned. My heart feeling like it had been torn up and thrown into a blazing fire.

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