Chapter Sixteen

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Nelly’s P.O.V

            I ran blind through the courtyard. My eyes were burning and my heart for was falling apart the father I ran from him for some unknown reason. My knees shook with emotion and I collapsed onto the soft ground. I stayed there a second curling up into a ball and just breathing until I heard footsteps. I whipped my head around to the sound expecting to see Sebastian. But it wasn’t.

            A beautiful tall and willowy woman stood there. She had long black hair and was as pale as moonlight. She was clad only in a deep red sundress, her feet bare.

            We stared at one another for a fleeting moment. I from my vantage point on the ground could not see her eyes, but she could see me in my full disheveled glory.

            Her perfect red lips parted and she spoke. “Get up…please.” Her voice was a perfect melody in itself, but the please sounded like an afterthought.

            I ignored her. “Who are you?” my voice came out strained and hoarse.

She smirked effectively pissing me off with one movement. “My name is Adriana. Now get up.”

I was flabbergasted. “What do you want from me?” I asked suspiciously.

She sighed, her smirk gone. “Penelope Victoria Grimm, please get up.” She snapped her voice sounding like a whip.

I sighed and gave in. standing I brushed myself off and turned to her. Then promptly gaped.

Her eyes were a shocking blood red with a black diamond shaped pupil. She smirked once again at my shock.

“Now we can be properly introduced. I am Adriana, daughter of Star; leader of the mermaid clan.”

“Wait. But you have uh—?” I trailed off not knowing how to politely put it.

“Legs, I have legs.” She laughed. The sound was alluring and deep drawing me in. “They are temporary. When the moon is at its highest peak we may walk amongst humans and others alike. But that is all beside the point. You need to follow me to the cave, we have much to share and explain to you.”

This time I sighed. Couldn’t this day be over already? I just nodded my head not really caring. She smiled, showing off a row of sharp shark like teeth.


We both turned and looked to see a growling/snarling Ember. He waddled up to me and stood between Adriana and I, little flames and smoke emitting from his mouth and snout. I crouched down next to him. “Ember hun, what’s the matter?” I stroked his now heated scales. He was staring up at Adriana with dislike and animosity. He blew a single long flame causing her to take a step back. She stared down at him with the same mixture of hate on her face.

“Well, I see you have bonded with this….creature…” Scowling. “Penelope we really must be going. He can stay here.” She said imperiously with a wave of her hand.

I was the one who growled this time. “Excuse me I am not going anywhere without Ember! So shove it!” I stood and looked down at her with a threatening air.

She delicately raised her brows and shrugged looking at Ember with narrowed eyes. “Fine. Bring the abomination.”

“Why should I even go with you?!” I asked outraged and confused.

She looked me in the eyes. “Because simply you must.”

“Nope. Notta gunna a happena.” I said in a mocking tone. I bent and scooped Ember into my arms, turning and walking away.

“Penelope! Wait.” She called. I paused but didn’t turn around. I heard her sigh. “Penelope, i—we—really, really need help. And you are the only one who can help us… so will you please come with me?” she sounded desperate. I weighed my options then caved.

I sighed dramatically. “Fine.”

“Good, follow me.” she said, sounding like herself again. And by that I mean bitchy and imperious.

            “Right.” I turned back and followed.

            Ember looked up at me with his big red green eyes as if asking “Really, do we have to?” I just nodded and he slumped in my arms.

            We walked into the shadows and Adriana stopped next to the huge moonstone wall. She rapped her hand smartly against it. The wall began to shift and fold in on itself. Soon we stood in front of a gaping hole that led into a lantern lit hall that slowly drooped downward.

            My jaw dropped.

            She glanced at me and let out a tinkling laugh that never failed to cause my mind to go blank. “Its just magic, get used to it.”

            My jaw snapped shut and I glared at her as we made our way forward.

            We walked down the long never ending hall until we stopped at a large wooden door.

            On the other side I could hear laughter and chitchat and soothing singing and finally the sounds of water.

Adriana opened the door.

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