Chapter Six

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Blue fire flickered and danced as I walked up the white moon stoned path. I focused my eyes of the black gates that loomed ahead of me.

As I walked the winding trail the sirens call became louder, more demanding. My eyes unfocused.

Suddenly I was at the drawbridge looking down at the beckoning mermaids. They were beautiful in a strange abnormal way. They had all the color variations of humans and fish combined. One had black hair with star fish and muscles and seaweed knotted throughout it, her fish half a deep glittering blood red. She sat up and bared her un-modest chest and let out a piercing wail. All of the mermaids jumped back into the water and disappeared under the ripples.

I just blinked down at the ripples that still broke the surface.

“Ah, examining the mermaids I see. Yes they are quite fascinating. Are you aware that they speak almost every language, including the “dead” languages… hmm, quite fascinating isn’t it?”

I turned to look up, and up and up. A very tall man with a long white beard and heavy black eyebrows stared down at me smiling. I smiled back hesitantly.

    He noticed, “Well, excuse me! I forgot to introduce myself!” he bowed, his lilac robes billowing about him. “Professor Barega Lam at your service. Now I am assuming, with an educated guess, that you are a new student.” He looked at me expectantly.

    “Eh—oh—um, yes. My name is Penelope Grimm. I know I am a day early but it couldn’t be avoided. It is a pleasure to meet you Professor.” His eyes lit up when I said my name.

    “Ah, a Grimm, and the eldest at that.” He saw my startled look, “I can feel the Grimm power awakening inside of you…but, you are different from the other Grimm’s I have taught. Are you a half breed?” he asked curious. I nodded. “Well, may I ask what you are?”

    “I am half fey.” I said simply.

    His head cocked to the side. “Hmmm, that would explain why your power feels so—what’s the word—ah, potent.”

    “It is?” I asked perplexed, I mean I knew I would be strong but even I don’t know to what extent.

    Professor Barega stared into my eyes for what felt like a century but must have been a brief moment. Then he nodded once and swept his hand to the side. The tall iron wrought gate creaked open seemingly to its own volition. I stared, my mouth agape.

    I looked back up at him and noticed his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled.

    “Wanna see for yourself?” he asked. Not knowing his meaning I nodded anyway. He smiled even wider. “Then lets get you initiated into the Other World School of Magic, shall we?” he held his hand out to me.

    And I took it. Not knowing what I was getting myself into it.

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