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𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛
-𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑛𝑜 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡-


     "Yeah, he got rid of it, but he still tries to walk around like some thug." I heard him shuffling with something. I had called to check up on Tay. He didn't answer, so I called Marcus. I started zoning out, thinking of the time we had met. We were sophomores, and we didn't even really start off as friends, just people who had an interest in football.

Third person

   Y/n stood in the field with her black football girdle, black sleeveless compression shirt, and helmet on. She was practicing on the field with the guys when they started doing laps around the field. After her first lap, Coach Marquis came up to her. "Y/n they need you in the gym. They want you and Hason to see if you can get the basketball that's stuck." Y/n nodded and looked at Hason, who had heard everything. They both walked to the basketball court inside, stopping at the water fountain on their way.

     Y/n sighed when the coldness hugged their skin after being in the blazing heat. On one side was a bunch of new students getting told about the schedule for the day, and on the other was the basketball team on the other side. The door slammed closed, catching everyone's attention. "Damn nosy asses," Hason said, and Y/n laughed. The basketball coach walked up to them while pointing his clipboard at the ball stuck in between the bars behind the backboard. "None of my guys could get it. I told them whoever could get the ball gets 40 dollars, so I'll give you the deal as well." Coach stated while chewing his gum.
     Hason and Y/n both looked at each other and were thinking the same thing. Everyone, even the people talking to the new students, wanted to see if they'd get the ball, as if it was the coolest thing in the world. Hason launched himself at Y/n trying to tackle her, but she did it first. They were both laughing. Y/n ran to the hoop and jumped, grabbing the net and then grabbing the rim. She swung herself around the backboard, grabbing one of the poles. If she wanted to get the ball, she would still have to inch her way up and push the ball out, but her helmet was in the way. She went back down the same way she came up and let Hason try. She knew he wouldn't get it since he still had his helmet on.

     "Any progress, Hason? You seem like you're struggling," Y/n yelled, and he flipped her off. Just like she thought, he came back down and Y/n took her helmet off and did the same thing as before. This time she had space to move her head around the poles and she used her muscles to keep pulling herself up. Once she got to the ball, she kept punching it until it fell from the pole and she climbed back down. Everyone on the basketball team started cheering, and Y/n playfully bowed to them.

     The female, Coach Stefanie, stood by the group of new students and said, "Y/n if you make a full court shot, I'll double the 40 dollars, but if you miss, you have to grade my papers and you get no money." Y/n didn't care for the money, but she agreed anyway. Her eyes scanned the group of new students, who were all equally staring back at her out of curiosity. Y/n walked to the end of the court and grabbed the ball, palming it in her right hand. Y/n turned to Hason and said, "if you can get to the field before me, I'll give you 50 dollars." He took off running, but yY
/n knew she had some fast ass speed, so she'd win. She launched the ball, and as soon as it left her hand, she ran out the door, yelling,

     "I don't want the money, but I'll take a kiss." She had already caught up to Hason as she ran out of the school, and she wasn't even running at full speed.He looked out of breath and they still kept running. Y/n smiled and started running at full speed, blowing right past him and onto the field. She had to admit he was slow as shit anyways."

     That's not fucking fair. You shouldn't be that fast." Hason said, out of breath. "You focus on being a running back while I'll be a wide receiver, alright" Y/n said, picking up her water bottle, they sat on the hot bleachers that were no longer used. "Yo, y'all look like tired, wet puppies." They both looked to the side, seeing Dejuane. Y/n chugged the rest of the water when she saw her coach calling her over, "I'ma catch y'all later." She stood up and ran to the other side of the field.

     Coach Marquis was standing with a guy who was gonna try out. He stood next to the coach, staring at Y/n as she approached. "Y/n this is Marcus. He's trying out as a wide receiver, so next practice I want you to work with the ones trying out. And Marcus, this is Y/n she's the Captain."

     He looked her up and down questionably. He stuck out his hand to shake hers, "Aren't captains usually the quarterback?" he asked, smiling at her. Y/n nodded, and the coach walked away. "Yeah, if this was like every high school movie, but our quarterback is quiet as a mouse and shy as shit, so..."

     "Just work your ass off and show your speed, and you'll most likely make the team." Y/n spoke up, and he nodded. Y/n knew she wasn't going to click with Marcus, and he knew the same thing. The vibe just wasn't there. Marcus walked off, and y/n walked over to the cheerleading coach. She was talking to the cheerleaders and the new people. They went to a public school and they had a weird system where once everyone started school, they didn't actually do work until the new students settled in, and that was after about 7 days.

     Y/n walked behind the cheerleading Coach Mave and stood behind her looking at the clipboard she was holding up. Y/n saw one of her friends, Cassidy, staring at her, so she blew a kiss. She rolled her eyes and Y/n was about to say something, but Coach Mave stopped her. "Y/n since you're here being a distraction, you can show the new cheerleaders the locker rooms and practice area." Y/n sighed, "and here I was coming over here to see how your day was." One girl snickered, so Y/n looked at her. Y/n looked at the girl with short curly hair, looked at the ID hanging from her neck, and read the name, "Casey." They both made eye contact and held it.

     Hason looked around to see where the ringing was coming from. He walked over to the black Nike duffle back and pulled out Marcus's phone. He ran over and gave it to him.


    "Do you have a car?" Marcus asked, panicking. "Yeah, why, are you good." Y/n walked over to Marcus, trying to calm him. "C-can you drive me to the hospital? It's my little brother, I need to get to him-" Y/n immediately pulled Marcus so they could go.

    I shook my head getting out of my thoughts. "Yo, I'ma call you back." After we hung up, I went to lay down with Jalessa, who was already asleep. Before I could even touch the bed, I heard cries. With a sigh, I stood back up and walked into the new baby room. She was only three months old. I went up to her crib to see what the problem was. Her small blanket was tangled around her leg. She stared at me with her fingers in her mouth. I picked her up and kissed her forehead. I couldn't believe I was about to have two more any day now. I felt a vibration on the railing and picked my phone up.

Unknown Number


◾️who's this

◾️damn no manners you
could said hello back first

◾️Hello, now who is this

     I didn't get a response, so I kept rocking her softly, and just as her eyelids were closing, she jerked to the sound of my phone ringing in my back pocket. I sighed and took it in my hands. "Hello?" I said, confused. They cleared their their throats "Hello, it's uh. It's Cassidy. We need to talk."

𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠|𝐺𝑝 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦|𝐵𝑦.𝑅𝑒𝑚𝑦Where stories live. Discover now