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𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟
-𝑇𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑑𝑜-


    "I'm gonna take my horse to old town roaddddd! I'm gonna riiiiiiide until I can't no more!" I sighed and moved Maze's leg out of the way. He started singing again. "Marcus, can you shut that nigga up. Please!" He's been singing the same lyrics for the past 10 minutes, and I was done. We went out for a few drinks, and Maze lost himself somewhere in between, clearly. "Yo, um, shit- um, yeah yeah, Y/n turn thiiiis shit up," he slurred. I shook my head and turned it up.

     We pulled up in front of his house, "Marcus, help him out of the car." I looked down at my phone as it rang. Instead of an answer, I got silence, I looked at Marcus, and he looked at me with a blank stare. My eyebrows raised, and I leaned back. "Nigga what?" I lifted my hand from the staring wheel. "I'm on crunches Y/n. How the hell am I gonna help him out." I silently grimaced, "damn by bad." I looked around the outside of the car. It was dark as shit. I finally answered my phone after letting it ring for a while. "Hello?"

     "Y/n, you need to get here now!" I looked at the caller ID and it was Kaylee. "Get where? Where are you?" I asked, confused. She breathed out, "I'm with Red, all here." "Why didn't you tell me earlier that you said tomorrow, not tonight." I looking at Maze through the mirror. He kept groaning as Marcus was basically shoving water down his throat. How? I don't know. "Y/n can you please get here? I really don't want to sleep with them," she whispered, and my eyes widened. "What! "You at the red house right?" I said as I turned sharply left. "Yeah." I had only known her for a couple of days, but it broke my heart when her voice cracked. I could tell she had been crying. Kaylee was just a misunderstood young teen. Even though I wasn't in her exact position, I've seen what it's like for her. It wasn't too long ago that I was in one of those houses, not questioning how old some of those girls were.

     I was about 16 seeing other 16 year old girls walking around half naked. I was too busy dealing drugs that I didn't realize the people I was selling to were way older than them. "Kaylee, just stay on the phone. I promise I'm not gonna let them touch you." I said, taking a right and pulling up in front of the house. "What room are you in?" I asked, taking the Glock 17 out of my bag and checking to make sure the 19 was tucked in my waistband. Once I got no answer, I continued, "Wherever you are, go stand next to the back door. Don't go out until you hear someone open the front door, okay?" I asked, making sure she heard every word clearly.

     "Okay", I could hear her shuffling. I hung up and turned to Maze. His one out of a hundred bucket hats sat sideways on his head. I shook my head as he looked at me blankly. "Maze, Maze! Stay in the car and if anyone comes out, you know what to do, " he looked at me confused. "Where the hell are we?" he asked, looking out the window. His eyes widened when he saw whose house we were in front of. He shook his head, "Nah, fuck that. I'm coming inside. He caused me too many problems, and I've been waiting for the chance. " He put his hand on the door handle. I pulled him back by his shirt.

      "Maze, you can barely walk straight, just stay in the car." I opened the car door and walked up to the front door. I could hear people talking inside, and I peaked out the window, waiting for Marcus to get close behind me. I could see Red and Pablo on the couch, smoking a blunt. The TV was loud as hell, helping me out. I looked closer and could see the outline of Kaylee's shoulder as she stood against the back door awkwardly. Her mouth was moving, and I guess she was talking to someone.

     "Marcus, stay behind me with your gun out. You know, you and your crippled ass can barely do shit. He glared at me but didn't say anything, knowing it was true. "You ready?" I asked, looking over my shoulder. He nodded, and I knocked, using a certain pattern. I knew he would open the door straight away without looking through the peephole. After a few seconds, the door opened and the first thing I did was pistol whipped him. He grunted and fell to the ground. I ran inside the living room and Red eyes widened. Pablo reached for the gun that was on the glass table, and Marcus wasted no time shooting him. I grimaced when the bullet shot past my ear and hit Pablo in the chest.

      Marcus then aimed his gun at Red, and he froze slowly stood up. Marcus had it, so I ran past them with my gun drawn, looking for Devonte and Trey. "Shut the fuck up! Who did you call!" I slowly turned the corner, seeing Kaylee pinned up against the wall by Trey. I pulled the trigger, shooting him in the leg, "fuck!" He fell to the ground, "you just never learn." He scooted against a corner and his eyes winded when he looked at me. I placed my gun down and rolled up my sleeves. "Kaylee, go get in the car. If you see a guy in the back seat, he's with me." I kept my eyes on Trey as we basically stared into each other's souls. "But, two guys ran out when you came in," she said quickly. She was probably afraid.

    I ignored what she said, they were long gone now. My foot collided with his stomach as he yelled and grabbed it. I put my foot over his bullet wound and pushed down. He screamed and cried out. "Fuck! Y/n Stop!"Kaylee turned away from us, looking away. "Where's Devonte?" I asked nonchalantly. He gasped for air, "You hit him! He was the one that answered the door!" I kicked him in the stomach a few more times. "Kaylee, I'm not playing. Go get in the car with Maze now. " I took a few steps away from Trey and picked up the gun, aiming it at him.

     She ran out the door. Trey shook his head as blood dripped from his mouth, "Y/n please." He had his hands up as he crawled backwards. "I-I have a son. Please just- I won't say shit." He begged, "-a son you don't care about," Kaylee said, quickly popping her head in and back out. "Get the hell in the car!" I yelled. "I promise I'll get my life together, I'll take care of my son, I'll do better, just please." His eyes watered. My breathing got heavy, "we used to be family, Trey, what the fuck happened?" I tilted my head to the side while squeezing the gun harder. I softly sighed as a tear rolled down his face. He shook his head and looked down. "You got big, you had your shit together, and I knew you were gonna leave me behind."

     "I would never have left you-""BUT YOU WOULD OF HAD TO!- God Y/n" he huffed, and tears ran down his face and his lip quivered. "I'm not good for you, I never was. I got you more affiliated and when I saw how good you were doing, I used you. I knew you were angry and hurt about Rue when she disappeared, so I used it. And you still turned out better than me." I heard police sirens in the distance, but I had time. I glanced away from him.

     "Y/n, we gotta go!" Marcus yelled. I nodded and turned to Trey. I adjusted my grip on the gun, but I didn't know if I could pull the trigger. He coughed up blood, "you remember what you told me... when you found me flexing a gun... in school." His words got slower. "You said, never pick one up if you're too much of a pussy to shoot it" I looked at the shined metal on the side of his body. "So I'm really begging you, Y/n, to pull yours before I have to pull mine, " he sobbed. I let out a deep breath and a tear rolled down my face.

     I opened my mouth to speak. "I can just take you with me-" I started until he lifted the gun and pointed it at me. "Y/n, let's go!" Marcus yelled again. I closed my eyes and slowly pulled the trigger.


     I ran to the front door and stopped at Devonte's unconscious body. I lifted the gun to his head and shot him. Marcus was already in the driver's seat, so I ran to the passenger side. I looked around, feeling the adrenaline pump through my body, "hurry up and turn right. Drive behind the A block and drive through the valley." I breathed out as Marcus followed my directions. My heartbeat slowed as I quickly turned around, looking in the passenger seat. "No, No, No!" I punched whatever was in front of me.

      I dropped my head into my hands and said, "I was supposed to bring him back to his mom." I bit my lip and held my forehead. I heard Marcus sadly sigh. "I tried to tell you, those guys that ran out probably shot him." I jumped and turned around, "shit, I forgot you were in here- Fuck!" I grabbed the side of my stomach. I lifted my shirt, now feeling a spike of pain in the side. Fuck, that nigga shot me when I shot him.

𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠|𝐺𝑝 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦|𝐵𝑦.𝑅𝑒𝑚𝑦Where stories live. Discover now