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𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐸𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛
-𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛 𝑎𝑛 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙, 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑒 𝑎 𝑐𝑜𝑝𝑦-


Rue's POV

       I had already gotten clothes, most of which consisted of plain colors. My room was on the top floor of the house, and overall, the town wasn't that bad, but like Cassidy's uncle said, most of the town had wealthy houses, and he had his fair share of money. Now all I had to do was stay low and get into school. I wasn't excited at all, I was never a person that wanted friends, and now that I don't have my family with me, I basically had no one but Cassidy.

     Her uncle kind of creeped me out, but I never said anything because I would have nowhere else to go if I did.
It was my first day, and as soon as I stepped into the building, all eyes were on me. The town wasn't small, but I'm sure everyone still knew each other, so I was immediately the outcast. There was a big walk in area to the side, and I could see double doors that led to the cafeteria. When I say all the students inside broke their necks to see me, I mean it. It was also silent until a woman came up to me. "You must be Mariya. You are in.." She looked down at the paper. "Oh okay, 6th grade."

     I nodded and gave her a tight smile. "Would you like me to show you around or another student." She asked politely. I looked down at my shoes. "I'm not good with people," I said to myself, my eyes widened when she responded. "Oh that's okay sweetheart, I know just the person." She walked off and I mentally panicked. I just stood there with my heartbeat in my ears. I looked up when I saw two shadows.

     She came back with a girl by her side. "Mari- I mean, Rue, this is Diara, Diara. This is Rue." She didn't even stay for a second; she just walked away. I looked back at her and swallowed my pride. "Hi, I'm Rue..." I squinted my eyes, feeling like a dumbass. She smiled and I cleared my throat, "...like she said." I just stopped there, feeling my so called pride vanish. She laughed, and I looked up at her. "It's nice to meet you, Rue. I'm Diara Brown. Let's go."

     The whole time, I stayed on her trail like a lost puppy, keeping quiet. The bell rang, and she showed me my small locker and told me when I was done to just go to the classroom across the hall. I quickly looked at the door whenever someone walked in, as if I would get a sign saying stay away from them. I lowly groaned and walked into the class. Most of them turned towards me, but I ignored them and sat down. I saw Diara talking to another girl, I almost wanted to laugh at the way Diara looked at the girl, as if she was in love.

    Elementary school relationships never really made sense to me. It wasn't like they were having sex or actually affectionate. They were just best friends, labeled as "boyfriend and girlfriend." The girl she was talking to looked at me, along with most of the people in the class. She was too far away to actually say anything, so she just gave me a wide smile and waved. I did the same thing without a smile. She looked at me with a questionable look, and I immediately knew this girl wasn't gonna leave me alone.

     I felt bad for Diara, though. She seemed like she was getting the wrong idea. I could tell her friend just wanted to get to know me, but Diara looked like she was thinking her friend wanted something more. Diara looked at me and mouthed, "stop." I looked behind me and at my desk. What the hell am I doing wrong. As I was walking to my next class, someone pushed me into a locker. I turned my head, "What the hell- what are you doing!" I shouted. I was confused to see Diara looking angry at me. She grabbed my shirt and said, "Why would you do that? You ruined everything."

     I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself. I had to remember what Cassidy told me. "Can you please let go of my shirt?" I gritted. She pulled away from me. "Stay away from Amelia." She said, with a threatening tone. A part of me wanted to stay away from her because I could see the feeling Diara had for her, and the other part was annoyed and wanted to put her in her place.

15 years old

    Amelia sat on my lap while I played the game on her computer. Her head was on my shoulder, but I was too busy playing call of duty to know if she was asleep or not. This was the only time I could play and do anything without being bored. I told her not to, but she bought me a PS4 and even though I couldn't take it home, she definitely made sure I used it. I checked the clock and my eyes widened. I turned off the game and picked up Amelia, low key struggling. Once I had her in her bed, I stood up and she immediately opened her eyes. I shook my head, fake ass."

     "Where are you going?" she asked, her voice raspy. I smiled, kissing her cheek, "it's 10; you know, I have to be home at 10:30." I said, licking my lips. She sighed and nodded, then puckered her lips. Once I got close to her, she leaned towards me and we connected our lips. I pulled away after a while. "Be safe," she whispered and smiled, but I could see the worry in her eyes. I pecked her cheek one more time and said, "I'll text you when i get home-" She cut me off. "No, text me when you get home, then when you get to your room safely." I nodded, knowing not to argue. Once I left her room, I sighed. This is my fifth time coming here and I still manage to get lost each time. "Would you like some help, ma'am." I jumped when I heard a voice to the side of me. I placed my hand on my chest. "Uh, no, I'm fine, I-"

     "I got it, Felix. You can clock out now if you like." I heard a stern voice. Oh, shit. Felix The family butler walked away, "Hello Rue, I wasn't aware that you were here. I would have made dinner." Even though she was very intimidating, she was also a literal teddy bear. "I'm sorry, Ms. Amadeus, I couldn't find you when I came, so I just went up to Amelia's room. She laughed, cutting me off, "that's alright dear, but I would like to speak with you, if that wouldn't be a problem." She walked me down the long hallway to the front door. Once we got there, she turned on her heel towards me and took a deep breath. I was nervous as shit.

     She sighs, "Are you in a sexual relationship with my daughter." My breath hitched in my throat. I knew if I said yes, then she would... I honestly don't know how she'd react. I just knew it would be somewhat acceptable. But if I said no, she'd already know I was lying because, well, I have been staring at her for the past 30 seconds without saying a word.

     The only problem keeping me from saying yes was that Amelia wasn't out yet, and her father was mildly homophobic. I didn't know for sure, but there have been times I've second guessed what the hell he says sometimes. I looked at her, opening my mouth, then closing it again. I knew I shouldn't be thinking this was funny, but she looked at me as if she was daring me to lie to her. I would be scared if she wasn't a softy, "uh, no."

      I nodded my head, trying to convince myself that, that was somewhat, even remotely true. She looked at me dumbfounded, as if she had heard me tell her the earth was flat after someone gave me the best evidence that it wasn't. I cleared my throat and she looked away from me, gulping. I knew she wouldn't pressure me to say anything. That's why I lied, even though I'm sure I quite clearly gave it away.

      She cleared her throat as well, "okay, um, okay." She opened the door while I held my laughter in. I always laughed at the worst times. She sighed, "Have a good night, Rue. My chauffeur can drop you off." I nodded, walking to the back door and hopping in decline to the man who got up to open the door for me. "And Dave, after this last shift, you're free to go home."

      He stayed silent and gave Ms. Amadeus a thankful smile. He already had where I lived memorized. I found it relaxing to look out the window while being driven into the hills. I could think more freely and clearly. That's always until I remember what would happen when I get to the place I call my home. Especially when Cassidy wasn't here and visiting her mom, which was a lot.

      Once we pulled up to the house, Dave looked back and shot me a warning look. He knew what happened between Cassidy's uncle, Mike, and me. One night, he dropped me off, and Mike was too drunk to care about the fact that Dave could see us. He dragged me out of the car while alcohol dropped from his mouth. After that, I made Dave swear to never tell anyone. Same thing with Amelia, but she found out from seeing my bruises.

      "Remember to call me if anything gets out of hand." I nodded and hopped out of the car. He drove off, and I ran up to the door. I took a deep breath before walking in. One thing I hated about this house was the creaking everywhere I stepped. "You know what time it is?" I slowly turned around and sighed. He stood in the kitchen, where he was most of the time. I knew it was on time, but this was probably one of the days where he didn't care.

𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠|𝐺𝑝 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦|𝐵𝑦.𝑅𝑒𝑚𝑦Where stories live. Discover now