My Little Nightmare

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✨Y / N ' S P. O. V.✨

I hate sleeping. Demigod dreams suck! My dream started like this: Mr. No-Nose (Voldemort) was talking to one of his Death-Eaters, Augustus Rookwood, "We can sense the boy's presence, my Lord. He's protected with a barrier." Rookwood said, "THEN DESTROY THE BARRIER!" Voldemort yelled, "M-My Lord, we've tried." Rookwood stuttered. "Useless." I heard Voldemort mutter. Naggini, his snake, hissed something. Moldy Voldy hissed back. 'DAM IT! They're speaking Parseltongue! Where's Potter when you need him?' I thought to myself. Naggini then slithered to where I was and pounced. "AHHHHH!" I yelled as I jolted up from my nightmare, waking up Percy. "Y/N? Are you okay? Was it a nightmare?" He asked frantically, climbing up to my bunk. "I'm f-fine, P-Percy. Just a d-dream." I stuttered, snuggling to his arms. "Shh, it's okay." he whispered. "It's gonna be okay. Wanna tell me about it?" A realization hit me, "I need to speak to Harry." I told Percy, who nodded. "I'll go with you." "Perc-" "You're my twin, Y/N. I'm coming."

Me and Percy walked to Cabin 11 (I stumbled sometimes) and knocked on the door. Ron opened the door and muttered "Why this early, Jackson?" "Nightmare." I shot, "Where's Harry?" Ron pointed to a mattress, "Oi, mate. Get up." He said, Hermione woke up from the noise and shook Harry awake. "Blimey, Hermione! Are we leaving this early?" He asked, picking up his glasses and putting them on his face. "Y/N?" "Good to see you too, Potter. I had a nightmare." "You woke me up for that?" Harry hissed. "SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP!" A Hermes child said. "Outside?" Percy suggested. Hermione nodded and dragged Harry and Ron outside ("One more minute, Hermione! Please?" Ron begged.) We sat on the ground as soon as we were far from the other cabins. "Tell us about your nightmare." Hermione said, "What's so interesting about what Y/N dreamt of?" Ron asked. I rolled my eyes, "Well, Ronnie, demigods dream of things that are happening in real time." "That must suck." "It does." agreed Percy. I told them about my dream of Voldemort. "So?" Harry asked, "You idiot!" Hermione scolded, "The barrier they're talking about is Camp Half-Blood!" "Oh..." Harry said, "Then we should leave right now, right?" "We can't leave! You-Know-Who can sense your presence, Harry." Ron said, I looked at him in wonder. "You have a brain?" "Oh, ha ha." Ron said sarcastically. "She says the same to me!" Percy exclaimed. "That's 'cause you're idiots." I said, rolling my eyes. 

"We should tell Chiron." Hermione said. "Aren't we supposed to go see Mr. Lovegood?" Harry objected. "To ask him about that sign?" "In 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard'?" I asked, "It's the Deathly Hallows. Now let's go tell Chiron about my nightmare." Harry, Ron, and Hermione gaped at me. "You knew what it was?" Hermione asked. "Not important. We should go to the Big House." I said, getting up. "C'mon, Perseus." Percy got up and walked with me to the Big House. Hermione followed us while Harry and Ron were processing that I knew about the Deathly Hallows. "Oi!" Hermione called. "Coming, Hermione!" Ron and Harry said in unison, following the three of us.

We got to the front of the Big House. "Knock." I said, nudging Percy. "No, Harry should knock." Percy said, pointing at Harry. "Ron should do it, I'm half-asleep." Harry mumbled "I'm half-asleep-er!" Ron objected. "Y/N should do it, it's HER dream." "I could collapse at any minute!" I said. "Honestly, you guys are two-year-olds!" Hermione said, rolling her eyes. "I'm going to knock, happy?" We all nodded. Hermione took a deep breath and knocked. Chiron opened the door, looking extremely exhausted. "Is it serious?" He asked. "Yes, very." Hermione said. "Come in. Sit next to Annabeth while I make tea for Y/N." I looked at him in confusion. "Me? Why me?" "You look pale." Chiron replied. Me and Hermione sat on the couch with Annabeth, Percy sat in an armchair next to the couch, Ron and Harry argued about who should sit in the one opposite of Percy until Harry decided to sit on the floor. Chiron gave me my tea while I told him about my dream. "I see." Chiron said, thinking. "We can't let Harry, Ron, and Hermione stay because of the Death Eaters and we can't make them leave." 

I bit my lip, thinking of some safe places for my friends. "Annabeth, do you think those little secret hideouts you made with Luke and Thalia keep Death Eaters out?" I asked her, "If they put defences up then maybe." Annabeth replied. "Define 'defences'." Ron said, "Also, could I have some tea?" I passed my tea to Ron. "Have mine, I don't want it." "Thanks, Y/N!" The red-head exclaimed. "Well, since you guys are wizards, you could put up a shield of some-sort." Annabeth said, turning to Hermione. "You can do that, right Hermione?" "Yes, Annabeth. We can. But what if Death Eaters find us? They seem to sense Harry's presence." "I have a super crazy idea." Percy spoke up, "What if you guys teleport to London or England?" "Apparate." Hermione corrected. "But London might be too far." "Wait, why London?" Harry asked. "Anywhere away from America's fine. Go to Iceland or Greenland or Mexico, I don't care." Percy replied. "Perce, are you saying the Death Eaters can sense Harry because he's here in America?" I asked, Percy nodded. "Yeah, pretty much. There are loads of monsters hidden here, maybe the Death Eaters can sense him because of all the magic." "That's a good theory, Percy. But we can't risk it." Hermione said. "If You-Know-Who gets us or Harry... I don't want to think about it." "Percy's got a point, Hermione." Ron said, slurping my tea. "How about we discuss this again in the morning? You all look very tired." Chiron said, leading us out of the Big House.

"Why were you there, Annie?" I asked Annabeth. "Don't call me that. And I was only there because I wanted to tell Chiron something." Annabeth replied, "Goodnight, Y/N." Annabeth ran to the Athena Cabin, leaving me and Percy with the Golden Trio. "G'night, Percy, Y/N." Harry said, walking to the Hermes cabin and pulling Ron with him. "Goodnight, 'Mione." I said, hugging her. "'Night, Y/N." She said as she walked to the Hermes cabin. Me and Percy continued to the Poseidon cabin, "I love you, Y/N. And I'm always here for you." Percy said as I climbed onto my bunk. "I love you too, Percy. You're the best brother ever." I replied as I drifted off to sleep.

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