The War

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✨Y / N ' S P. O. V.✨

We all put our armor on and walked to Manhattan (The Ares cabin didn't join us, even though I asked Clarisse to come). Then, Percy had this big speech and designated everyone to specific spots but I stayed with Percy. "Y/N, go with the Hunters." He told me. "No. You." I said stubbornly. "Hunters." "Percy." "Hunters." "Percy." "Percy." Percy said, trying to distract me. "Percy." I replied triumphantly. Percy groaned. "Ok, come with me." "Yay!" I said childishly, hugging my brother. "Go on, Thalia." My brother said to the Hunter. The Hunters went where they were supposed to and I stuck with Percy. "You're a leech." "Love you too."

And then the war started. I decided to battle Ethan Nakamura while Percy went to fight the Minotaur. AGAIN. "You can't win this war." Ethan said, very serious. I rolled my eyes. "Don't talk out loud, Nakamura. You lower the IQ of the entire street." Ethan lunged at me, I swiftly dodged. "Y/N, don't be an idiot." Percy said as he fought near me. "Shut up, Kelp Head." I shot back. Ethan turned his attention away from me to Percy. I noticed his dagger and raised my eyebrows. As Ethan tried to stab Percy, I took the dagger and yelled out a cry of pain.

✨P E R C Y ' S P. O. V.✨

I turned around quickly as I heard my sister yell out a cry of pain. I froze as I saw a surprised Ethan Nakamura. He was aiming for my weak point. But, Y/N didn't know about it. Why'd she take the dagger? I stopped my questions and kept an eye on Y/N. "NO ONE TOUCH HER!" I yelled. Kronos let out a laugh. "Give up now, boy, or she dies." "No." I mumbled. "Confringo!" A voice yelled, exploding in front of Kronos, who then told his army to back off. "Hermione?" I asked, confused as the bushy-haired girl knelt by my sister with a bleached-blonde. "Hi, Percy." She said, shaking Y/N gently. "Y/N?" The bleached-blonde muttered. "You okay?" My sister's eyes fluttered open. "Hmm, let's see. Nakamura stabbed me with a dagger. How about 'no', Malfoy?" She replied harshly, then winced. "I'll take her to the hotel where everyone else is." Hermione offered. "Thank you." I said, extremely grateful.

That left me with Malfoy. "So, you're Malfoy the Ferret?" I asked as we walked to the hotel, behind Hermione and Y/N. "She really calls me that? She's so annoying!" Malfoy replied. "PERCY! Where's Y/N?" Annabeth asked frantically, running up to us. "Hotel with Hermione." I replied, feeling guilty. "I'm Draco, by the way." Malfoy said, shaking Annabeth's hand. "Draco Malfoy." "Annabeth Chase." Annabeth said, returning the shake. "You've met. Now, I need to find my sister." I said, sprinting to the hotel. "Percy-" Connor started. "Later, okay? Where's Y/N?" Connor pointed to my sister, Hermione, and Silena.

"Y/N! Oh my gods." I said, looking at my sister's wound. "Poison." Hermione said bitterly. "I'm gonna kill him." Silena nudged me. "I know we don't have enough campers. Maybe I could try to convince the Ares cabin." She whispered, I nodded. "Take Porkpie." Silena tip-toed out as a healer walked in. "Hello, Will." Hermione said. "Do you know everyone?" Y/N asked her. "I'm Will Solace." The healer said, shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you. Can you-" "I'll try. Warning, it might be painful." Will took some medical supplies out and started treating the wound. My sister held my hand and squeezed really hard. "That's all I can do. I'm going to leave you thr-" "Two." Hermione corrected. "We're going to leave the two of them alone." Will and Hermione walked out, leaving Y/N and me alone. "Thanks for that." I mumbled, kissing her cheek. "You're invincible, dummy. Actually, I'm the dummy." She whispered. "Well," I said, holding her hand gently, "my weak point was there. You saved me, baby sister." Her eyes lit up. "Where?" I brought her hand to the place on my lower back and winced a little. "Kinda hurts, huh?" She asked, I nodded. "Kinda. I have to go. War stuff." "Wait," Y/N said, getting up. "I'm coming." "Y/N-" "Not to war, to Hermione." Y/N interrupted. "C'mon."

✨Y / N ' S P. O. V.✨

Thank the gods Perseus Jackson is my brother. I love him to death. "Careful." Percy muttered, holding my hand. "Overprotective much?" Draco said, I slapped him. "OW!" "What are you and Hermione doing here?" I asked sharply. Draco bit his lip. "I blame Hermione." "You blame me for what?" Hermione asked. "Comin' here." I replied. Hermione shrugged, "Okay, so maybe instead of fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts I wanted to fight here, big deal." "It IS a big deal! Do Harry and Ron know you're here?" "They do." Hermione said hesitantly. "TRAVIS!" I yelled, turning to the Stoll. "Yes, Y/N?" "Drachma." I said, sticking my hand out. Travis rolled his eyes, giving me a drachma. "Here you go, Y/N. May I ask why?" "You're weirdly polite." I commented. "And I'm using it to contact Harry and Ron." "Oh, there's a fountain near the entrance." Travis said, walking to Connor. I told Percy to go do some war stuff and walked to the fountain with Draco and Hermione (Ah, Dramione.) I tossed the drachma in, "O goddess of rainbow, accept this offering. Show me Harry Potter."

Harry and Ron shimmered into view. The Weasley family was in the back, and Ginny was in her mother's arms. "Guys?" Hermione asked. "Hermione!" Harry and Ron exclaimed in unison. "Thank Merlin you're okay!" Mrs. Weasley said. "We were worried sick!" "Sorry, guys." Hermione said sheepishly. "What's Malfoy doing there? And what's wrong with Y/N? Is she okay?" Ron started asking, "Malfoy's here because he is. Someone stabbed me and the dagger was coated with poison, so no, I'm not okay." I replied. "YOU GOT STABBED?!" Ginny yelled. "WHO?!" "Ethan Nakamura, demigod son of Nemesis." Draco replied. "How did you know that?" Hermione asked him, he shrugged. "Percy." "Where are Fred and George?" I asked, looking for the troublemaking redr-haired twins. "I'm here." George said sadly, wiping tears away from his eyes. "Fred's gone, Y/N." I cried as Hermione comforted me. "Shh, it's okay." She whispered. "First Charles and now Fred. Who's next? Percy?" I mumbled. "Y/N!" Percy said, running to me. "Paul's Prius! It's outside!" I paled. "See you guys later." I said, ending the Iris-message. "COME ON, PERCY!" I yelled at him, dragging him outside to our parents.

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