My Ship (Finally) Sails

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✨Y / N ' S P. O. V.✨

We all got to Camp Half-Blood and I saw Percabeth going to Long Island Sound. "I should go to Cabin 7." Will said to me. "But Will!" I whined. "I'm sorry, Y/N." He said, kissing my forehead before going to his cabin. "Wanna walk?" Clarisse asked me, I nodded. We decided to go to Long Island Sound when we saw Percabeth kissing. "OTP!!" I squealed. "Y/N!" Percy yelled, turning red. "Toss them into the river?" Clarisse whispered. "Yes." I whispered back, grinning. "Wingardium Leviosa!" "Get us down!" Annabeth ordered. "Hmm, maybe not." Clarisse smirked. "Underwater kiss sounds nice." I said, moving Percy and Annabeth over the river. "Finite Incantatem." And into the river they tumbled.

"Now that that's out of the way, what should we do?" Clarisse asked me as we reached the mess hall. "Hmm," I replied, thinking. "I have no idea." "Useless." Clarisse said, rolling her eyes. "Oh, hey, Ghost King!" I called. "Can't you just call me Nico?" Nico groaned. "Fine. Hey, Nico. Happy?" I said, rolling my eyes "Very." Nico replied. "Where's Percy and Annabeth?" "Long Island Sound." Clarisse replied, smirking. "Oh my gods! We forgot to tell the camp!" I realised, cupping my mouth with my hands. "PERCY AND ANNABETH HAD A KISS! THEN ME AND CLARISSE TOSSED THEM INTO THE RIVER SO THEY COULD HAVE AN UNDERWATER KISS! STOLLS, YOU OWE ME 7 DRACHMAS!" "WE OWE YOU 4!" Connor yelled to me. "6!" "3!" "5!" "DEAL!" Travis exclaimed. "Wait a minute, you tossed Percy and Annabeth into the river?" Katie Gardner asked us. "Umm, yeah." I replied. "Percy's my brother, he can form a bubble around them." "That's idiotic and reckless!" Katie objected.

"I agree." Annabeth said behind me. "We're dead, aren't we?" Clarisse asked her. "Hmm, kinda." Percy replied. "Can we have 5 seconds to run?" I asked my brother. "We're feeling generous: 15." "Wait, really?" Clarisse asked, confused. "Yep, that started 5 seconds ago." "I'M CLIMBING UP A TREE!" I yelled, running to the north woods. "NO FAIR! YOU CAN ALSO TURN INVISIBLE!" Clarisse yelled back, running after me.

Eventually, Percy and Annabeth caught us. Thankfully, they decided not to kill us. "I'm glad you're together." I said to the couple. "Thanks, little sister." Percy said, kissing my cheek. "Remember, Perce. I'm more important than Annie." "Not like you would let me forget." Annabeth laughed at what Percy said. "Will!" I exclaimed, running to my boyfriend. "Hi, Y/N." He said, kissing me. "Is it true you tossed Percy and Annabeth into the river?" "In my defence, I was left unsupervised." "Clarisse was there too." Percy said, confused. "In my defence, I was also left unsupervised." Clarisse said. "I'm not leaving either of you unsupervised again." Will said, making Clarisse roll her eyes. "Fine, Solace."

We enjoyed our last days at camp until it was time to go home. "I don't wanna leave Camp Half-Blood!" I whined as me and Percy packed our things. "I don't either." "Oh, yeah. You have ANNABETH." "Don't act like that, Y/N! Annabeth has nothing to do with anything." "You hung out with her ever since the underwater kiss!" I exclaimed in annoyance. "You have me for the entire school year." Percy replied. "Pack your books." "Fine, Father." I replied sarcastically, collecting all my books and putting them in my Hogwarts trunk.

I was on my bunk when someone knocked on the door. "Perce, get the door, please." "Sure thing, little sister." Percy said, walking to the door and opening it. "Is Y/N here?" A girl asked. "I'M HERE!" I exclaimed, raising my hand. "I have something for you." "Oh? What is it?" I asked as I climbed down my bunk. "They're anti-monster chips. You can put them in your phone and monsters won't be able to track the scent." "That's cool!" I exclaimed as the girl gave me them. "Beckendorf designed the blueprints. Us in the Hephaestus cabin made them." The girl explained. "That's nice of Charles." I mumbled, looking at the chips. "Why are there two?" Percy asked. "One for Y/N. One for Hermione." "Charles designed them for me and my best friend?" The girl nodded. "I should send it to her soon. Thank you..." "Nyssa." "Thanks, Nyssa." I smiled, closing the door as she left. I took some paper and quickly wrote: 'Charles made this for us. They're anti-monster chips. Put them in your phone and call me when you get this.' I rolled the paper, tied it to Mini's foot, and opened a window, "Bye, Mini." I whispered to my owl as she flew out of the window. I closed the window and put the anit-monster chip in my phone. "When do you think Hermione will call me?" I asked Percy as I closed my trunk. "A day or two." Percy shrugged. There was another knock at the door. "Come in!" I said. "Hi, Percy, Y/N." Annabeth said, sitting on Percy's bed. "Hi, Annabeth." Percy said, giving her a kiss. I made retching noises, which made Percabeth look at me. "Oh, don't stop for me." I said sarcastically to the couple. "Please, continue. I wanted to pack Percy's trash anyway." "I get the message." Percy chuckled, collecting his clothes.

Percy and I left our cabin and went to Thalia's tree. "What was that book you wanted?" Percy asked me after we said goodbye to Chiron and some other campers. "Catching Fire." I replied. "It's coming out on September 1st." "It's like, 50 dollars, right?" "Roughly. Why?" "No reason." Percy said. "C'mon, let's go to Argus." I said, dragging Percy to Argus. "Fine, little sister." Percy grinned, kissing my cheek. And we didn't look back.

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