Hopefully the End of the War

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✨Y / N ' S P. O. V.✨

Yay, Kronos is here. In case you didn't know, that was sarcasm. "Draco! Hermione! Go to the demigods!" I said to the two, who both nodded. I ran to Will. "Will! Sword! Where?" I panted. Somehow, Will understood and gave me my sword, I gave him a quick kiss and sprinted to Percy. "What's the plan?" I asked him as we stood back-to-back. "Uh, don't die?" "Percy!" "I'm kidding!" "Annabeth-" I started, turning to the blonde girl. "Hey, no. You asked me first." "Percy, why don't you battle Kronos then?" "Oh, so you think I'm-" "FOR GODSAKE!" Grover yelled. "WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR HERE!" "Do you have an annoying older brother, Grover?" I asked him. "W-Well, no." "Then don't talk."

It might've just been me, but it looked like Luke temporarily had control over himself. "Y/N," he said weakly, "give me your sword." I thought for a moment then lowered my sword. "Y/N?" Percy asked me. "What are-" I gave my sword to Luke, he then stabbed himself and fell to the ground. "Whoa!" I exclaimed, sitting next to him. "L-Luke," Annabeth murmured. "Grover, get some nectar and ambrosia, quickly!" Percy said, then sat next to me. "Hey, you're gonna be okay." I whispered to Luke. Yes, he was evil, but I wasn't gonna let him die. "Annabeth, did you love me?" Luke asked. "You were like a brother to me, Luke. But I didn't love you." Annabeth replied. "You didn't?" I asked, shocked. "I thought you were in love with him when we were 12!" "Y/N!" Annabeth scolded. Luke gave one last smile before the life was drained from his eyes. I don't know why, but I cried. I cried for Charles, Fred, Silena, Tonks, Remus, and everyone we lost. Percy hugged me, I hugged back. "We're alive." I whispered to him, he nodded.

I got up and ran to Hermione, engulfing her into a hug. "We're alive!" She exclaimed. Harry, Ron, and Draco joined us. "We're alive." Harry mumbled. "And there were no spiders!" Ron added happily. I laughed as we all stopped hugging each other. "That's your priority?" "Uh, yeah! What if spiders killed us all?" "I- wow, okay. You're terrified of tiny spiders." Draco said. "They have 8 arms, I have 2, it wouldn't be a fair fight!" Ron objected. "Ron," I asked, "can you be squashed by a shoe?" "Well, yeah. If a giant was wearing a shoe, I'd be pretty squashed." "I GIVE UP!" I yelled, walking to Will.

"H-Hey." Will stuttered as I put my arms around his neck. "Hi." I whispered before giving him a kiss. Percy cleared his throat. We pulled away from each-other. "Y/N, could I speak to you for a bit?" He asked, I nodded. "I'll be back soon." I said to Will, kissing his cheek. "What's up, Percy?" "You and Will aren't dating?" "I gave him a kiss, Perce. It doesn't mean we're dating!" "2 kisses." Percy corrected. "Gods, Percy! Why are you so overprotective?" "Because," Percy said, "you're my sister. My twin sister." I smiled at him and hugged him. "It's okay, twin brother."

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