I Grieve a Death of a Friend

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✨Y / N ' S P. O. V.✨

Pain, suffering, everything awful, that's how I felt. No, not really. I just thought it would be cool and grab your attention. What actually happened was that Percy explained the ship explosion and how Charles sacrificed himself. "You okay, Y/N?" Annabeth asked, "I'm fine. I think I should go help Harry, Ron, and Hermione pack." I replied, walking out of the Big House. Instead of walking to the Hermes cabin, I walked to cabin three, the Poseidon cabin. I opened the cabin door and climbed up my and Percy's bunk-bed and cried. Charles Beckendorf was a good friend of mine. In fact, besides Clarisse, Percy, and Hermione, Charles was my best friend. "Why him?" I mumbled into my pillow. 

I then heard the cabin door open and a voice whisper,"Y/N?" I jolted up and grabbed the nearest book, which happened to be Hermione's 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard.' The voice was Silena, Charles's girlfriend. "Oh, hey, Silena. I thought you were Percy." I said, climbing down. "What's wrong?" Silena's eyes were puffy and red. "Wanna go on a walk?" she asked, her voice quiet. "Yeah, sure."

Me and Silena walked towards the strawberry fields. "How are you, Silena? After Charles's death?" "I guess I'm okay. I miss him." "Me too." I said, checking my watch. "OH SHOOT! I need to say goodbye to Hermione. Sorry, Silena!" "It's okay." I bolted to the Hermes cabin where Hermione was packing her books and clothes into her beaded bag. "Where're Ron and Harry?" I asked her, sitting on her mattress. "Armory. Ron wants to try a sword out." Hermione replied, looking into a pile of clothes. "DAMN IT! Harry took the Sword of Gryffindor with him! Moron!" "This just in, Hermione Jean Granger has called Harry James Potter a moron. Stay tuned for more insults." I said, acting like a reporter. "Oh, ha ha." Hermione replied sarcastically. 

"She's right, Y/N. That was hilarious." said Perseus Jackson, who was at the door with Spider Girl. "Hey, Perce, Spider Girl." Annabeth scowled as I continued. "Here for inspection?" "Yes." Annabeth replied, giving Hermione The Tales of Beedle the Bard. "And Hermione left her book in your cabin. I gave it a 4." "I wanted 5, but you know Spi- Annabeth." Percy said. "Thanks for cleaning up while I was gone." "You owe me ice-cream." I said as I left the Hermes cabin. "RONALD! HARRY!" I yelled. "Right here, Jackson." Harry said, appearing out of nowhere. "Where's the Sword of Gryffindor? Also, no Invisibility Cloaks!" "Says who?" "Says me! Go to the Hermes cabin, Potter." "Okay, I'm going. And the Sword of Gryffindor's with Ron" Harry said, walking to the Hermes cabin. "RONNIEKINS!!" I yelled again, looking for Ron. "I'm here, Y/N!" Ron said, running and panting. "The Aphrodite girls are hot." He blurted, I slapped him "OW! What was that for?" "For being a moron and having the Sword of Gryffindor! March to the Hermes cabin, Ickle Ronniekins!" "DON'T CALL ME THAT." Ron yelled as he walked to the Hermes Cabin.

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