I Have Fun With Friends

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✨Y / N ' S P. O. V.✨

"Bathing into the Styx, Y/N. Talk some sense into them! Mainly Percy because he will be the one in pain!" Hermione said rather quickly. "What? Percy!" I said, tears forming in my eyes. "Why?" was all I could muster. "Y/N, listen to me, we need to stop Kronos. Nico says this is our best chance." Percy said. "Then I want our worst chance! Or second best!" I yelled at him, "I lost Charles, I can't lose you!" Percy must've noticed the tears coming down my face because he brought my into a hug. "Please." I mumbled into his shoulder. "I, Perseus Jackson swear upon the River Styx that I will come back alive for my twin sister, Y/N Jackson." Percy said. "Now can I go?" I let go of him and put my wand to Nico's throat. "If there is a single scratch on Percy, even a tiny one, you are dead, Ghost King." I said to Nico, who nervously nodded. "No scratches, okay, got it. But hypothetically speaking, could I choose my death?" "Nope. A simple shot of the killing curse and you're dead, understand, di Angelo? Nod if you understand." Nico's nervous nods were faster, which made me put my wand away. "Bye, Perce. Don't die!" I said waving to Percy as he walked with Nico to Mrs. O'Leary, a hellhound.

"He'll be okay, right 'Mione?" I asked my best friend. "He will." Hermione said, dragging me to the Hermes cabin."Tell me about the Deathly Hallows." I remembered I told her I knew what the Deathly Hallows were last night. "You remembered that? I thought you were half-asleep." "Only idiots are half-asleep, I, Hermione Jean Granger, am always awake." Hermione joked, making me laugh. "Who are you and what have you done with my Hermione?" "YOUR Hermione?" "I meant Malfoy's Hermione. Or maybe Nico's Hermione." I said, running before Hermione could process what I just said. "Y/N JACKSON! YOU'RE ACTING PRETTY STUPID FOR A RAVENCLAW!" Hermione yelled, chasing after me. 

I got to the Hermes cabin first, where Harry was, looking at us confused. "Do I want to know?" He asked weakly. "Maybe, maybe not." I replied. "You. Are. Not. Funny!" Hermione said, slapping me after each word. "Stop hurting Y/N, Hermione. She's keeping us safe." Harry said. "It's alright, Chosen One. I probably deserved that." "See? She admits it!" Hermione said. "Still." Harry murmured. "Hello, Jackson. What's wrong with Hermione?" Ron said, fist-pumping Harry. "Well, I called her- hmphf!" Hermione interrupted me by slapping her hand on my mouth mid-sentence. "Really, Hermione?" I asked her, but the boys most likely heard "Weally, 'Er-my-ne?" "Just shut up," Hermione said, rolling her eyes, but taking her hand off my mouth. "Eye-rolling? Really, Granger?" I said. "What are the Deathly Hallows?" Hermione asked me. "The Elder Wand, The Resurrection Stone, and The Cloak of Invisibility." I replied, counting the three Hallows on my fingers. "Invisibility Cloak?" Harry asked me, I nodded. "Mhm. Owner of all three would be called Master of Death or something like that." "Blimey." Ron said. "I would want the wand, to be honest." "Ickle Ronniekins with a big-wizard wand? Are you ready for something like that?" I asked him, which made his ears turn red. "The stone's a lot better though. I could meet my parents. And I could see Sirius again. Maybe even Hedwig." Harry objected. "The cloak is super helpful, in case you didn't notice!" Hermione said.

"Charlie..." I mumbled to myself, thinking of my dead friend. Harry shook me back to reality. "Daydreaming about Beckendorf?" He asked. "You have a thing for him, don't you, Y/N?" Hermione teased. "Says the girl who fancies Draco Malfoy." Hermione turned pink, slapping me lightly. "I hate you." "You love me." Harry and Ron laughed at the two of us, I joined in and eventually Hermione. Annie cleared her throat, signaling she was there. "Oh, hey Spider Girl." I said, grinning at her. "I say don't call me Annie and then you call me Spider Girl." Annabeth muttered angrily. "Anyway, where's Percy? I've been thinking of looking for Grover." "Percy, who I know you have a crush on, is with Nico. You could go looking for Grover yourself, Spider Girl." I replied, Annabeth was pink. "Okay, first of all, why do girls turn pink when their crush is mentioned? Also, why doesn't Y/N do that?" Ron blurted out. "Because, according to Y/N, she's too cool for anyone." Harry chuckled. "We do not turn pink!" Annabeth and Hermione objected at the same time. "Aww, they're too embarrassed 'cause they know it's true." I teased. Ron and Harry burst out laughing again. "Y-Y/N, my stomach!" Ron said while he was laughing. "Jackson has humor?" Connor Stoll asked as he brushed past us to get to his cabin. "Let me hear it." "Nah, you wouldn't like it. Besides, I gotta go check on Blackjack." I replied, walking to the stables. "LIAR! YOU'RE JUST NOT FUNNY LIKE ME AND TRAVIS!!" Connor yelled, "NO ONE CAN BEAT-" Connor shut up mid-sentence.

Okay, fine, he didn't. I used the silencing charm on him. But he won't know. No one will know. Well, maybe the Golden Trio will know but that's not the point! The point is, Blackjack is as annoying as PERCY and no one can be as annoying as that little... git. 'Yo, boss's baby sister! Wassup?' "For the millionth time, Blackjack!" I scolded. "My name is- say it with me- Y/N." 'Boss's sister' "Mother- ducker." 'Ooh, was the daughter of Poseidon 'bout to say a no-no word?' A pegasus teased. I took a deep breath. "Don't kill pegasus, don't kill pegasus. That won't help defeat Kronos." I mumbled to myself. "Y/N?" Asked a confused Clarisse. "Are you... talking to the pegasi?" 'Of course she is, dummy. We are as cool as Poseidon himself.' Porkpie said. "I will kill you." I replied to the pegasus. "Come outside, so you DON'T kill the pegasi." Clarisse said, dragging me outside. "THEY ARE SO ANNOYING, CLARISSE. I SWEAR TO HADES I WILL FIND A WAY TO KILL THEM!" I yelled. "Calm down. I just dealt with a sobbing and grieving Silena. I don't need a psychotic Y/N." "I'm not psychotic!" I objected. "I wanna murder a flying horse." Clarisse laughed. "Where's your puny punk for a brother?" "Out with the Ghost King himself." I replied to her. "Moron..." She muttered. "La Rue, why are you nice to me, Chris, and Silena?" I asked her. "Well, Silena's my best friend, Chris's my boyfriend-" "Ooh." I teased, nudging her in the shoulder. "Shut up." Clarisse said. "And you're my friend. Even if your brother beat my father." I smiled at her, "Aww, thank you, Clarisse."

There was an awkward silence. "Uh, are we supposed to hug or somethin'?" Clarisse asked me, looking sick of the silence. "Sure?" I said hesitantly, hugging her for a while. "This is weird." She said patting my back. "Yes, very." I replied, pulling away. "Wanna duel?" "Hell yeah!" I grinned at her and ran with her to the armory. I took a sword since I don't have one (Thanks, Dad.) "C'mon, La Rue!" I yelled at her playfully since she was taking FOREVER. "Just a sec, Jackson!" Clarisse replied, rolling her eyes. Eventually, Clarisse found a sword she likes and walked with me to the armory. "Did you like Beckendorf?" She asked me, "I swear upon the River Styx I won't tell Silena." "Yes, okay? I was in love with my best friend." I sighed, it felt good to let it out.

We dueled and Clarisse won. "YES!" Clarisse exclaimed. "I FINALLY BEAT A JACKSON!" I laughed at her enthusiasm, "Mind if I go to the Poseidon cabin?" I asked her, "Of course. I'm coming too, though." "Okay, Clarisse." We walked to cabin 3 and I looked for a drachma, "WHY DOES PERCY NEED TO MAKE IT SUCH A MESS?!" I complained. I finally found a gold drachma and tossed it into the fountain. "O goddess of rainbow, accept this offering. Show me Percy Jackson." I mumbled. A shimmer appeared and I saw my brother. "Percy!" I exclaimed.

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