A Line Through the Mountains

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October 7, 1763

Thirteen Colonies was walking down from his room, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He hadn't put his hair up yet, and it fell loose around his face, and he kept having to push it out of his way.

Dodging around British East Florida, formerly known as Spanish Florida, the newest personification his father decided to have a kid with, Thirteen Colonies made his way to the dining room, where there was usually food allowed for the colonies, provided no one had done anything wrong in the past few days.

'There will be food. Quebec has been excellent in the past couple of months, and you'd think he was always Britain's son.'

'Doesn't that have something to do with Britain taking him into that room alone after he joined us?'

'I think it has something to do with Britain getting rid of all the Frenchmen there and letting Scotland's people move that.'

'Or that fact that Quebec started calling him dad really quickly.'

'Whatever it is, Britain's happy about Quebec, and nothing we could do will ruin that mood.'

"Good morning, Father," Thirteen Colonies said as he entered the dining room, causing the debating thoughts to stop. His father wasn't eating anything but looking over a document. Dominica shot him nervous glances as she tried to eat her breakfast. Britain looked up when he heard Thirteen's greeting.

"Good morning, Thirteen. Put your hair up so it doesn't get in the way. I let you have it long, so the least you can do is wear it properly and not make a fool of me. I have things to do today, but you'll be with England today, who will be helping you continue learning how to ride a horse properly. A basic skill you really should be better at by now." Father said with a judging tone as he said the last statement.

'I think we ride horses very well.'

'Aside from that one time.'

'It wasn't that bad though. You know how Britain is.'

Thirteen's cheeks burned with embarrassment as he quickly sat down, combing his hands through his hair.

"Yes, Father." He muttered.

"Now, something else you should know. Parliament is creating a new act to help protect the people who live in the Thirteen Colonies from savages and other dangers," Father said. While Thirteen was excited that his people would be given protection and grateful for his father's ensuring it, it was more proof that his father didn't think he could care for himself.

'I'm sure it's not for that reason.'

'Or it's for that exact reason.'

'Has he ever trusted us to take care of ourselves? It's probably another law that shows how damn cont–overprotective he is.'

Thirteen pushed those thoughts away. Father probably wasn't doing this because he didn't think Thirteen could care for himself. They just left a war; Father's trying to make things safe. Father ensures the empire is safe, including the Thirteen Colonies.

Regardless of how Thirteen felt about it, he knew the answer he should give.

"That sounds great, Father. I'm sure my people will love it." He replied with a smile. Father smiled and walked out of the room, giving Quebec a cheery hello and shoulder pat as he walked it. Quebec gave a soft smile at that before walking over to Thirteen.

"Hello, Colonies," Quebec said, sitting down.

"Good morning, Quebec." Thirteen said, staring at the few pieces of sausage before deciding he didn't feel like eating, and just started running his hands through his hair, trying to fix whatever problem his father had found. "Do you know where Uncle England is? Father says I need to spend the day with him."

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