the only thing i know about my uncle is that he's late

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$$$Tony's pov$$$

I step out of my new tesla.

I just bought a new one because I want to impress my nephew. I adjust my suit jacket and swagger towards the apartment building. I look around as I walk, taking note that Sally's car is already gone. She and Paul must have already left. I climb up the stairs and once I reach the door I lift my hand to knock. Should I just knock twice? Do the knockity knocky knock that kids seem obsessed with nowadays? Tony you're overthinking this. Just knock on the stupid door.

The door swings open and a very tanned young man with curly black hair stands there with one arm crossed, the other one still on the door knob.

He looks Hawaiian, but I can also see Sally in him. And you can't deny our family resemblance. We look a lot alike.

I hold my hand out. "I'm your uncle, Tony Stark."

The kid seems to relax a bit at this and shakes my hand. "Percy Jackson." He states.

I gestures towards the house. "Can I come in?"

The kid blinks. "I don't know, can you?"

He looks at me and I can practically feel the sassiness flowing off of him. "I am physically capable of walking into your house, may I enter your house?"

The kid shrugs. "Sure, I don't care."

I sigh again. He's too much like me. I blink. "Aren't you hot?"

The kid puts a hand to his heart. "I've always been hot, I was born hot." He flips his hair.

I cough a couple times in an attempt to cover up my laughter. "No, not that hot. Physically, aren't you sweating? It's like eighty degrees out here and you're wearing a sweater."

The kid stares at me for a while and then holds up his hand like it's a mike and sings, "NO ONE ASKS QUESTIONS IN DECEMBER~"

I burst out laughing at his singing. Not his singing... voice. His voice sounds like a literal siren, even when he's yelling the song out. He should go into singing. Off topic Tony! Singing... yeah, that was just very unexpected.

The kid grins a little and then his demeanor goes back to being somber, as if...

as if he thinks he doesn't deserve to be happy.

I used to think like that
that I didn't deserve to be happy

With all the pain I caused people it's only right.

How am I supposed to be happy when things I have created have destroyed whole cities,
have destroyed families

I've destroyed people's happiness.

Tony Stark, the destroyer.

I, Tony Stark, have killed so many.

How can I allow myself to be happy?

And then Pepper showed me something.
Something I'll never forget.

You're human Tony.

She said to me on one summer's eve.

Only human. Not a god, not protector of all humans.

Just... human.

And humans feel things, things we can't control.

Are you sorry Tony, for all the pain you've caused?

Truly sorry?

Yes, of course.
I regret the day I ever made those weapons.
I regret... everything about old me.

Everything but you, Pepper.

Then you're forgiven, at least by me.
Of course, I forgave you long ago.

Now it might take time, and lots of effort, but you can work towards other's forgiveness.

You truly regret it, and you're truly sorry.

They'll see that if you work towards it.

Now there may be those who never forgive you, but that's okay.

They're only human too.

You deserve happiness, you've worked hard for forgiveness.
Now rest.

I'm brought back to reality by my nephew snapping his fingers in front of my face. "You okay? You blanked out for a while there. I do that a lot, I have adhd. Do you have adhd too?"

I rub my face and put my sunglasses on the top of my head. "I've never been diagnosed with it, but probably."

The kid nods. He motions towards his backpack. "Ready to go?"

I blink. "That's all you're bringing?"

The kid blinks. "Yeah? I'm only staying for a month. You do have a washer machine, right?"

"Oh yeah, I have a whole floor of washer machines."

The kid stares at me for a while. "I forgot that you were rich."

Well that's not something you get a lot. I smirk and swing my keys around my finger.

"So kid-"

"Not a kid." The kid glares at me.

"Anyway, do you want to drive?"

The kid looks at the keys I'm swinging and then back at me. He looks at the keys again and stares at my face with an uncle-tony-are-you-serious kind of look. I take this as a good sign. "So you want to drive?"

The kid backs away. "OH HECK NO!"

I blink. "Wha-"

"LAST TIME I DROVE I ALMOST CRASHED INTO A HOUSE!" He looks off into the distance. "I landed in a lake instead, not that that's much better... for everyone else anyway."

"Hold up, you crashed into a lake?"

"Yeah, you don't want me driving."


"I was like fourteen okay!"




"I thought he would be cool, but he just said really bad haikus."

Thunder booms outside and the kid smirks like he knows someone just agreed with him.

I sigh. "Do you have any sense of self preservation?"

The kid thinks for a while. "Now that I think about it, probably not."

I sigh again. "Aight Steve 2.0, let's get going."

The kid trails behind me after locking the door, muttering, "2.0... I know a Steve. Is it my Steve? Can we jump out of a plane together and do dumb stuff?"

I pretend I don't hear that, but make a note to myself to not let the kid near any planes with Steve.

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