Leo tries to kill Bruce with an IV

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Jarvis' voice wakes Percy up. "Leo is awake and causing quite the disturbance."

Percy tumbles out of his bed, startled by Jarvis' voice. He does a double take. "What did you say, J?"

Jarvis repeats himself. "Leo is awake."

Percy whoops and jumps up and down as he pulls a shirt on. "Leo is awake! Leo's awake!"

He runs out of his room, leaving the door wide open. He slams open the door to the medbay and stops in his tracks.

Leo is standing on top of the hospital bed, pointing the iv stand at everyone like it's a spear.

"Get back!" He yells, his eyes almost glowing. The collar on his neck displays a green light, showing that his powers are still being contained.

Bruce holds up his hands. "We don't want to hurt you, Leo. We're-"

Leo narrows his eyes and opens his mouth to say something but Percy cuts him off.

"You were always the dramatic one." He says, leaning against the door frame.

Leo stares at Percy, shocked. "Perce?" He asks, his voice so quiet Percy can barely hear him.

Percy's voice cracks, "Yeah." He takes a deep breath and steadies himself. "Yeah, it's me."

Leo jumps off his bed and tackle-hugs Percy.

Percy hugs Leo back tightly, gripping his shirt as if he'll never let Leo go. Leo stiffens in shock when he feels tears land on his shoulder.

"I missed you. I missed you." Percy repeats over and over, clinging to Leo.

Bruce waves the doctors out of the room and softly shuts the door behind him, leaving Leo and Percy alone.

"I missed you too, buddy." Leo says softly, still hugging Percy.

Percy pulls halfway out of the hug and scowls, wiping his tears off his face. "You scatha. We all thought you were-were... dead."

Leo looks around the room. "Speaking of that, where is everyone?"

Percy freezes as Leo's words repeat in his head, in all their innocence and assumption that everyone was alright. They always made it out, so why wouldn't they this time?

Becuase I was weak. I wasn't there on time.
I wasn't watching my friends backs.

and oh if that didn't fill him with guilt

Percy's mind floods with thoughts of everything he could have done better. Of all the ways it could have—should have—gone. And he sinks deeper and deeper into the unscapeable ocean that is his mind with every thought. His eyes grow dull and lifeless and his hands begin shaking.

Screams screams screams

everyone is screaming because
they lost something
no one should ever lose

and it wasn't okay and the world it was red-

"Percy?" Leo asks. "Are they okay?"

Percy slowly looks at Leo and then looks back down, unable to bear looking at his eyes. He curls his hands into fists and tries to stop them from shaking. "They... they um... they didn't-" Percy stops, unable to go on.

"They didn't... what?" Leo pushes away the most logical conclusion because there's no way that's true.

"They're gone." Percy finally says, trying not to start crying again.

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