that haunting melody

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Natasha glances at Bruce with a questioning expression, trying to ask if he put the sensor in the chair Percy would most likely sit in without saying anything.

Bruce barely nods his head back in affirmative. If people weren't paying attention, they wouldn't notice the two second mental conversation between Natasha and Bruce.

Percy sits down in the only available seat, considering Tony actually came to dinner for once. They eat dinner how they usually do; chaotically and without any manners.

Except for Natasha, Bruce and Steve, of course. Natasha was too eloquent to eat chaotically, Bruce was too shy to eat without a care in the world, and Steve was raised in the 1940's. That should speak for itself.

Once the table was cleared and the kitchen was clean, Tony went to his lab (he didn't want to get triggered, he always made himself scarce when anything even close to an interragation was happening, it reminded him too much of all the times he had been captured.) Clint didn't know what was happening, he challenged Steve to a Call of Duty match. 

Natasha and Bruce sit across the table from Percy, their earpieces firmly in their ears.

Jarvis's calm voice comes through their earpieces. <<Stress level at 4%>> 

Natasha folds her hands in front of her. "Okay, we're going to start with some easy questions."

Percy nods. "Got it."

Natasha nods to Bruce, signaling for him to ask some easy questions. She flips open Percy's file (the little bit she could find that wasn't classified), and begins reading it again while Bruce asks Percy some easy questions so they can make sure the stress indicator is accurate.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Blue!" Percy grins.

"Have you ever had a pet?"

"I had a pet goldfish when I was little, his name was Jarry."

"Where's your favorite place to go?"

"Definitely the beach. Montauk is really nice, me and mom go there a lot. It's where she met my dad."

Natasha looks up at this. "What do you remember about your dad?"

Percy gets a small smile on his face. "I remember him smiling down at my cradle."

"Nothing else?" Natasha raises an eyebrow.


"No." Percy states with a poker face.

Natasha gives Bruce a look. Definitely a lie.

But why wouldn't he want to tell us about his dad?

Bruce leans forward. "What about your mom?"

Percy smiles.


"My mom is the best mom in the world. She makes the best cookies."

Natasha closes the file. "Tell me about Gabe."

Bruce looks at Natasha sharply. That wasn't in the plan.


"He uh... he was about as bad as Tar-"


Percy's eyes grow wide and he takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. Natasha and Bruce share another look. Natasha makes a mental note to look up someone Percy associated with whose name starts with 'Tar'.

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