in which people in the mafia fanboy over percy

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Percy lounges comfortably in a black, sleek, limo. "This is very comfortable." His eyes widen. "I could totally take a nap in here."

Tony's voice comes through the tiny, unnoticeable earpeice in his ear. "You really can, though. I sleep in my limo all the time."

Natasha clears her throat. "Percy, you need to keep your cover. Don't talk to us anymore, and don't talk to yourself either. Also, you need to look used to the limo and everything else at the auction. Remember, this side of you is accustomed to being a high class individual."

"Got it." Percy sighs, suddenly bored.

"If you're bored look in the fridge!" Tony's voice comes through the earpeice.

"Tony, stop talking to him!" Natasha sighs. "Perce, I'm going to mute our end; good luck out there."

Percy just catches himself before he says, 'you too.' Instead he says, "Thanks."

He looks at the fridge and shrugs. "Why not?" He opens the fridge and gasps. "Holy Dionysus! Is this really wine from the 1800's?" He grabs the wine and rolls it around in his hands. "Holy crap, it really is wine from the 1800's!"

He puts the wine back once he finishes examining it and grabs a soda. He sighs. Even if the wine does look delicious, he needs to be as alert as possible.

There's no telling what could happen in an event like this.

He opens the soda and drinks some of it. While he drinks, he goes over the plan in his head. The limo rolls to a stop and his chauffeur, Alfred, opens his door.

Percy sets the soda down and steps out of the limo, looking every bit like a prince. His dark blue suit fits him perfectly, showing off his physique. His skin is dark. It's a very tanned, golden brown color. His semi long hair is pulled back in a small pony tail at the nape of his neck. A tattoo of a wave can be seen just above the collar of his suit. 

His gold watch adds a nice touch to the look. Tony made this watch. It's actually a small grenade that activates if you press a button on the side three times. It's set to only activate with Percy's fingerprint.

The bodyguards that Percy hired follow him to the door. He's worked with them before, they are quite close.

The bodyguard on his left has a black suit on, and despite her small physique, she looks terrifying. She has short black hair and ruby red eyes. She looks around at everything, securing all the entrances and exits, and keeping an eye on anyone she dubs as a threat.

The second bodyguard, the on the right, has curly black hair that goes down to his chin, but his hair is currently in a bun. His eyes look almost silver and he wears black cargo pants and a tight, long sleeved black shirt. His dog tag necklace from his time in the military glints in the sun. The sniper rifle across his back makes him look even more terrifying. Multiple hidden guns and knives are on his person, but they are stored in a such a way that it looks like all he's carrying is the rifle sling over his shoulder.

The man at the door steps forward. He wears a dull red suit. "I apologize sir, but no bodyguards are allowed inside the building. This is to lower the risk of an attack. You must understand, this is for your safety as well as the safety of all the other guests."

Percy watches the man for a few moments and then waves the bodyguards back, "Wait inside the car, Zeki." He says, looking at the bodyguard on his right. "You too, Ash." He says, turning to his left.

Zeki and Ash nod in sync and walk to the limo. Once they get in, the chauffeur, Alfred, drives off. Percy knows the car is going to make a stop at the building across from them so that Zeki can get out and keep an eye on him. Or, as Zeki says, a rifle on him.

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