Free From the Sword

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Percy paces around the room, anxious even though Bruce said Leo looked alright and it looked like he only had a slight concussion.

Jarvis' calm voice comes from the ceiling, "Bruce has cleared Leo as okay, all he needs is rest. You can see him in the morning."

Percy lets out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, J."


Percy walks into the living room and sits down on the couch, tapping his foot and trying to think of something to do when Jarvis speaks up again, "Water boy-"

"I told you to stop calling me that, Jarvis!"

"My apologies, it is the boss's programming. On to other matters, you told me to tell you if a group of people wearing blue and green cloaks ever came close to you."

Percy jumps up. He hides behind the couch. "The worst has happened!" He whispers.

"Sir, they are causing quite a large disturbance." Jarvis sounds quite amused at Percy's dramatics.

"I don't like what you're implying, Jarvis."

"There are only twelve of them-"

"Jarvis, you don't understand! Last time, well... the easiest way to put this is that they're very persuasive and I don't want to be around them in case I accidentally say yes."

Jarvis seems to take a second to process what Percy said and then says, "The group outside is causing quite the racket. I may have to ca-"

"No! I'll go talk to them, okay! Don't call him!"

"Understood." You can practically feel the smugness radiating off of Jarvis.

Percy sighs and shuffles to the window. He opens it and leans his head out. "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?"

Percy smirks, becuase If he's gonna do this, he's going to do it right.

There's confused murmerings from the group.

Someone yells out, "WHAT?"

Percy smirks. "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?"

The group looks at each other in confusion, all but someone in a light blue cloak.

"TONY!" She yells back, though it sounds more like tonah.

The group looks at the girl in confusion.

A girl in a dark blue cloak speaks up, "I know for a fact that that is not your name."

Percy's grin grows wider and he opens his mouth to say something, but Steve, who is sitting on the couch stops him with a, "No. We don't use that kind of language here, young man."

Percy groans. I knew I should have used my bedroom window to talk. And I should have waited before teaching Steeb vines. He takes a deep breath, "FORGET YOU, TONY!"

The girl in the light blue cloak tilts her head in confusion, before deciding that it must be the work of the famous language man, aka, Captain Spangles. "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?"



Percy grins.

A girl in a dark blue cloak steps up. She sighs and shakes her head. She clears her throat. "Percy Jackson! We-"






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