this is why I never leave the house

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You'd think that once you got kidnapped enough, you'd be used to it.

Ha. Nope.

Percy twists his hands again. He tries to get out of the handcuffs, to no avail. He groans and rests his head on the back of the chair, wincing in pain at the way his arms were twisted to accommodate his new position. He sits back up. Why couldn't people be nicer and handcuff your hands in front of you? Or even better, not handcuff you at all.

He looks down at his ankles, grimacing at the red marks from where he repeatedly tried to break the handcuffs that bound his ankles to the — apparently steel — chair.

He slowly pulls his ankle away from the chair, trying to see if he could break the handcuffs without breaking his ankle. He inhales sharply when a wave of pain hits him. He pulls his ankle back against the chair, wishing he had his shoes.

He looks around the room, trying to remember something that Natasha had offhandedly told him one day when they were discussing training.

Look for an exit; if there isn't one, improvise.

Percy carefully scans the room. Concrete walls. He shivers, looking at the goosebumps on his legs and arms. Stupid concrete floors... why the heck is everything concrete? He looks behind him, glaring when he realizes there's a camera. He does a double take when he sees a pin pad.

Found you.

He thinks back to what Natasha said next.

If there's a table, use that to your advantage. Tables are great for breaking handcuffs if you can get your hands in front of you.

He looks around the room again. No table. He looks closer. His eyebrows draw together. There used to be a table though. He looks at the skid marks on the floor. Whoever was in here before must have been why there's no table and why the chair is welded to the floor.

Percy's head shoots up when the pin pad on the door beeps. He watches behind him carefully as the pin is put in.

The thick metal door creaks open and Percy watches the man that walks through warily. "Why am I here? Who are you?"

The man holds a bloody katana. He doesn't pay any attention to Percy. He pulls out a dirty rag and wipes the blood off of his katana, ignoring Percy's questions. He twirls his now clean katana and watches Percy with a thoughtful expression.

"Percy Jackson..." he sheaths his katana and leans it against the wall. "Have you ever heard the theory of past lives?"

Percy narrows his eyes, trying to figure out what the man's getting at. "I have." He replies in a suspicious tone, eying the man's katana.

"What if I told you... that I've met you before." He remarks casually, "In a past life."

"I'd say that you're crazy."

The man tilts his head with a curious expression. He crosses his arms and leans back against the wall. "Really. In the world we live in?" He runs his fingers over the handle of his sword. "I'd say it wouldn't be that far of a stretch."

Percy shakes his head and glares at the man, "Why am I here?"

"Oh, probably to be experimented on."

Percy's eyes widen and he strains against his handcuffs. "You scatha-"

The man cuts him off with a wave of his hand. "Oh calm down, kid. It's not like I'm going to do something to you."

Percy glares at the man silently. His eyes flash a dangerous green. He clearly doesn't believe a word that comes out of the man's mouth.

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