in which Bruce tries to shoot me (dont worry, he uses needles)

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Bruce sits in front of Percy.

(I about died here, Percy autocorrected to Porch. *clears throat* Behold Porch Jacksasson, champion of Olympus, slayer of Kronos and Gaea, aaaannnd he's gonna kill me if I keep listing his titles so I better get... going... i'm here from the future (6/15/22) to let ya'll know that Percy still autocorrects to strange things, the most recent one being Pot.)

Bruce sits in front of Percy and looks at his clipboard. "So, Percy, first is the physical check up. I'm going to be giving you an examination that will cover all our bases, so this might take a while, I'm sorry." He pauses, "I'm not sure what... happened back there." He bites his lip and looks at Percy worriedly. "Yes, it did look like a flashback from what I saw, but I've seen enough of those to know that they don't cause all the side effects that you got."

Percy sighs, frustrated. "I already told you, I'm fine. It wasn't a flashback, or whatever. I'm not weak. That was just..."

Steve crosses his arms, annoyed. He'd already had this conversation with Percy multiple times at the cafe. Percy seemed unwilling to accept that he could have flashbacks. "That was just what? A black out? One where you kept muttering names and saying sorry? I have known my fair share of soldiers, Percy Jackson. I have seen enough flashbacks — heck I've been on the receiving end — of enough of those to last for a lifetime. I know what they look like."

His sharp eyes seem to look right through Percy. "And having a flashback does not make you weak. That's like saying getting sick makes you weak. It's not like you can control either of them."

Percy rubs the back of his head. "Fine. It might-"

"Was." Steve raises an eyebrow.

"... was a... flashback."

Bruce nods his head and then clears his throat . "Anyway, physical checkup. First things first, get on the scale."


Bruce puts his hands on his hips. "Get on the scale, Percy."

"Look, Bruce, I haven't had a checkup-"

"Since you were twelve, I know. All the more reason to get on that scale."

"Actually I have had checkups." Percy crosses his arms, angry at the situation. He hates it when people treat him like a kid and try to order him around. "In the marines."

Bruce and Clint both raise an eyebrow. They look at each other and then back at Steve.

Steve raises his eyebrows at them. "He's not lying. It says it right in his records."

Clint gets a strange look on his face. "Is that why Nat..." He trails off, remembering something. 

Bruce raises an eyebrow again. "Mhmm. Unfortunately, none of those checkups are on record,"

Steve rolls his eyes and mutters something about army medics and literally being in the middle of a war.

Bruce elects to ignore him, "and I am concerned for your well being. Get on the scale, Percy."

Percy sighs and climbs on the scale.

Bruce has him turn around as soon as the scale has his weight and writes his height down. As he writes his height down he motions with the fingers holding the clipboard.

"You can get down now."

"Oh, so now I can get off the scale."

"Spare me the sass, young man." Bruce pauses as he writes Percy's weight down. His face shows concern. "Percy you're only one-hundred and twenty pounds."

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