okay but Jarvis could totally be a house ghost and none of us would know

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A/N trigger warning for depressing thoughts. (I mean- most of the chapters in this book are depressing so far, but it just know accured to me that I should probably put trigger warnings... I'm sorry for forgetting at first!)
I'll put ♡♡♡ around the depressing part and write a summary.
You're all precious and deserving of the world! Stay safe please! And if you haven't eaten yet, or you missed a meal then go eat or no more chapters till you do.

I think I hear something... is that you my readers? Oh? How will I know if you haven't eaten? Oh darling, I know a great many things :)

Clint throws his controller across the room. He groans and face plants into the couch. "How are you so good?"

"I, uh, I don't know?"

Clint groans louder.

Percy pats Clint's shoulder. "It's okay."

Clint practically sobs. "You've never even played CoD before. Literally everyone is better than me."

"Just the people that get to know your attack plan. I bet people that haven't been in war situations wouldn't be able to figure it out."

Clint just sighs, not registeringwhat Percy said about war zones. Or rather, he registered it, but thought Percy was joking around or talking about another game. 

Percy jumps off the couch with a concerned look on his face. He picks up his large, black backpack and slings it over his shoulder. He walks towards the door. "Anyway, I better go unpack. Sorry."

Clint slowly makes his way off the couch and follows after Percy. "Don't be sorry, man. Do you need help?"

"Help would be nice. I don't even know which room I'm supposed to stay in." Percy heads towards the stairs.

Clint grabs the back of his hoodie collar and tries to pull him back, but Percy whirls around and tightly grabs Clint's hand. He stays there for a moment, his eyes flitting around the room, scanning for threats, before he realizes that it's okay. And no one is going to hurt him. He releases Clint's arm and takes a step back.

"Sorry. Sorry, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to-"

"Percy, it's okay. There's not one person on the team who hasn't had a moment like that. No one is going to make fun of you for it." He stares at Percy for a moment, concerned. "Whay happened?"

Percy folds his arms in front of him, "I don't want to talk about it."

Clint raises his hands in surrender. "Okay, then we won't talk about it."

"Why did you grab my hoodie?"

"You were headed towards the stairs. I thought you hadn't seen the elevator." Clint gestures to the left. "It's a lot easier than going up and down the stairs everytime."

Percy shakes his head. "I know it's there but..." he trails off and shudders. "I hate elevators."

Clint shrugs. "M'kay. I'll come with you on the stairs then. It's only a few floors. Plus, do you know which floor you're supposed to be on?"

"Uh, no. But I figured I could ask the building."

Clint pauses for a second. "Wait," he blinks, "you mean Jarvis?"

"If that's the voice that came out of the building and stuff, yeah."

"Yeah," Clint sniggers, "his name is Jarvis." 

Percy heads towards the stairs again. He opens the stair doors and looks back at Clint. "You coming?"  

Clint gazes at the stairs with trepidation. He hates stairs. They're confied spaces with only two ways to go. It's easy to ambush people on stairs. He heads towards Percy and sighs. "At least Natasha can't bully me about not getting enough exercise today."

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