eating pancakes is cool but what about vine?

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Percy and Natasha sit on the couch. They munch on potato chips, much to the horror of Steve, who informs them as he walks through that they're going to get sick from eating so many oily foods so early in the morning.  

They laugh and brush him off.

He sighs and walks out of the living room.

Natasha continues her story. 

Clint sits on the floor, with his feet resting on the couch, adding his input on a story from time to time.

Bruce and Steve make pancakes in the kitchen, (blue pancakes at Percy's insistence) listening to the conversation going on in the living room.

"-and that's why Clint doesn't like going out in public anymore." Natasha finishes her story.

Percy slides off the couch, laughing so hard his breath is coming out in wheezes.

Clint crosses his arms. "Don't laugh! They were scary!"

Percy starts laughing even harder. "I-If.." he sucks in a breath, "If the-the older ones..." he dissolves into another fit of laughter.

Clint faceplants into a nearby pillow and Nat takes a picture. (Totally not for her blackmail folder)

Percy tries to speak again, "The older ones..." he wheezes. "s-sorry to say," his face becomes the human version of a lenny face, "not really, but the older ones adore you more."

A muffled groan comes through the pillow Clint face-planted in.

This causes Percy to laugh even harder and Natasha to smile.

Steve and Bruce come into the living room, each of them carrying a plate with blue pancakes.

Steve points towards the kitchen. "There's pancakes on the island. First come first serve."

Clint and Percy jump up and race each other to the kitchen, and by the sound of their bickering it seems they can't decide on who made it there first.

Natasha rolls her eyes and walks into the kitchen. A few moments later a smacking sound comes from the kitchen and the bickering stops. Bruce and Steve look at each other, amused. They shrug and go back to eating their pancakes.

Percy walks in the living room with a plate of three blue pancakes, which are completely drenched with syrup. He shrugs at everyone's looks. "I can't drown and neither can my pancakes."

Steve shakes his head fondly and takes another bite of his pancakes.

Natasha walks in with four pancakes. Clint walks behind her, carrying the rest of the pancakes.

He takes a bite of them unapologetically. "I hope Tony already ate his share, because this is the last of them." He makes eye contact with Steve and Bruce as he takes another bite of his pancake.

Steve sighs and gives Clint the eyebrows of disappointment.

Bruce smiles. "Actually, he did have his share. I brought him some pancakes from the first batch Steve made."

Clint has mixed emotions about this but sits down on the couch and digs into his pancakes. After a couple minutes Clint sighs. "I'm bored. Usually, we have a movie playing."

Natasha glances at Percy. "You wanna do that now, Percy?"

Percy hesitates and then nods. "Sure." He glances at the ceiling. "Jarvis, could you bring them to my account please?"

"As you wish."

The television screen turns on and opens up to Vine.

The team has varying reactions, from Steve googling what vine is, Clint staring at him incredulously, and Bruce eating his pancakes without a care in the world. And, of course, Natasha's smug expression. 

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