wait he what at what age?

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Clint hands Percy a controller and Percy holds it awkwardly, looking at it like it's a foreign object. 

"This joystick moves you around. This stick changes your view point." Clint spins his character around in circles and changes the view. 

Percy grins and makes his character run circles around Clint's character.

"This one fires, oh, forgot to mention, that one aims. And this brings you to the menu. You can figure out the rest as you go." Clint shrugs. "It's funner that way!"  

Clint sits down on the couch. Percy sits down beside him, but rather than sit correctly,  he sits on the top of the couch, where people usually put their heads. Clint eyes him and then sits on the top of the couch too.

Natasha, who is in the kitchen at the moment and can see clearly into the living room, puts her head in her hands, leaning against the counter. "Oh crap, they're rubbing off on each other."  

Percy and Clint don't hear this, too focused on each other. 

Percy nods and salutes Clint solemnly. "Thank you commander! I appreciate the instruction. I shall not let you down!" Percy snickers. "But what's with your username? Hawkeye4ever? Really?"

Clint opens his mouth, very offended. "Just… the audacity! I'll have you know hawkeye is amazing. So underrated, truly the best avenger-"

"Bro aren't you hawkeye-"

"Silence young padawan." Clint covers Percy's mouth and Percy promptly licks Clint's hand. 

Clint pulls his hand away from Percy's mouth with a horrified expression. "Bruh!"

Percy shrugs, not looking sorry at all. "I mean you'd probably do the same thing if you were in my position, right?"

Clint thinks for a second and then shrugs. "I mean yeah, probably." 

"So we're cool then?"

Clint fist bumps Percy. "We're cool. But what's with your username? IndigoMintoyo? Is that even spelled right?"

"So, I have dyslexia!" Percy says defensively. "We all struggle with something!"   

"What are you going to say if people ask you about it? I mean I assume you have a phrase or something like they do in The Princess Bride."

Percy beams. "I do! If anyone asks about my username, I shall say, my name is indigo Montoya. You're asking about my username in a way that is akin to stealing my coffee, so prepare to die. Although, technically people with anxiety aren't supposed to have coffee. Or... caffeine or whatever. Well, according to my therapist. But I don't listen to my therapist. I don't even have a therapist anymore. But she used to say stuff like 'calm yourself'. Like bruh, that's akin to saying, 'oh you got stabbed? Don't be stabbed. 'CaLm DowN.' Plus, girl how am I supposed to be calm? I am the opposite of calm. I am a ball of pure energy. You cannot calm me."

Percy shrugs, continuing his rant. "Besides, the caffeine shall add to my supremacy. Imagine what would happen if I mixed Red Bull with coffee. I could probably take over the world. But then, I could probably do that on the weekend if I was bored. I get bored a lot and I still haven't taken over the world yet. I don't know why. Well, actually, it seems like it'd be a lot of work, taking over the world. I think I'll rather just stick with saving it."

Percy shakes his head, still rambling. "No, that's a lot of work too. It'd make me even more tired than I am. I'm tired, are you tired? I want to go to bed but I also don't want to go to bed. I feel like I'd miss out on a lot if I went to sleep. Plus, I still haven't met everybody else. And I still want to play Call of Baddie or whatever the name is."

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