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Not proofread
so sorry that this is super long! (4,9k words~)
Warnings: Homophobia, vulgar language/ swearing, heavy topics, implied depression.

I made it home just in time for dinner. I managed to lift my heavy feet towards the back door and shoved my hand in my pocket. I felt the familiar key in my hand and pulled it out. I unlocked the door and quickly locked it behind me. I took off my shoes by the door and placed them to the side. "I'm home!" I shouted as I walked towards the main part of the house.

I didn't get a response and walked towards the kitchen. No one was there, not even dinner was served for my father. I usually would see my mother bring my father his plate while I was coming inside from school. "Maybe they went to the store.." I thought to myself trying to ease the nervousness.

My feet started to feel cold as I remembered seeing their cars parked in the driveway when I was walking here. I gulped nervously as I dropped my bag towards the side and stared towards the upstairs. I stared long trying to hear any activity until I saw my cat walkout to stare down at me.

I sighed softly as she looked at me with the same expression. "you scared me there" I said to her which she only let out a simple meow as she looked back to where she jumped out from. I started my way up the stairs trying to see where she was looking at.

"what are you looking at princess-?" I asked out loud as I stepped towards the last step and leaned over. My bedroom door was left wide open and it was trashed. I gasped as I ran towards my room and frantically looked around. My clothes were thrown all around and my belongings were misplaced. "who..what?" I said in a shaky tone as I tried to understand what was happening.

I moved towards my bed and sat down while I tried not to panic. Everything was purposely thrown around as if someone came in and had a tantrum not caring about the things they touched. I felt a hard edge hit the corner of my hip and I stood and pulled my cover away.

My heart fell down to my feet as I stared at my journal. I owned a personal journal I kept away specifically from my parents due to the contents I wrote in it. It was a vent journal where I kept my deep secrets I hid away from them. In the journal, I also had many pages where I questioned my sexuality.

I turned the pages and noticed they were all stressed from the edges as if someone were gripping the papers to see if the words they saw were right. "I don't understand.." I said until two coughs were loud right behind me.

I flinched and quickly turned around in shock. My father stood by the door frame with a disappointed look while my mother had her arms crossed across her chest. They both had identical frowns plastered on their saddened faces.

"oh-h Hello ma and dad!" I tried to say calmy but my surroundings weren't helping one bit. "Son, we thought you were better than this" My father managed to say as he stepped forward with big long strides. I subconsciously stepped backward out of fear.

They probably already know that I'm part of the LGBTQ community and to top it all off, I'm also diagnosed with depression. Both of my parents just decided to completely ignore it to keep their 'perfect' family.

"what do you mean by that?" I asked him as my mother got tired of the silence and quickly walked over to me and stood in front of me with an angry look. Her hands were balled in fists by her hips.

"(y/n)! don't act fucking stupid. We know you are one of those fucking homos!" She screamed as her right foot angry was stomped against one of my shirts. "Why are you angry?" I asked but regretted it right after as my father took my collar of my shirt to make me stand at his height.

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