::Wilbur x Male!reader::

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Not proofread 

Warnings: food mentions, make-out session

this one gets lost so im sorry if its all over the place TnT


"Wilbur hurry up!" I screamed from the couch as I picked at an itch from underneath my thigh. "It's not washing off!" Wilbur shouted back as I sighed, threw my phone beside me and made my way to the bathroom. "Let me see" I said as I walked into the bathroom to Wilbur on his knees and head hung low in the red stained white tub. "It keeps coming and coming!" He whined as he kept running his stained fingers through his hair desperately. I kneeled beside him and pulled his hands off of his hair. "You haven't used the shampoo duh" I said as he began to mumble under his breath. I reached for the shampoo bottle, squirted a fair amount and started applying it to his hair. "That feels really nice (y/n)" Wilbur commented, an evident smile in his voice. I ran my fingers all throughout his hair and gave little massages throughout to make sure it reached everywhere. "Okay, let me wash it out now" I said as I turned on the bottom tap once again and reached for the bowl he was using before.

I let the water run down through his hair and ran a hand down his face so it wasn't bothering him. I ran my thumb across his eyes and nose as he kept his eyes shut, scared of any shampoo coming in contact. Finally, the water kept running clear instead of red and I shut the tap. I stood up, feeling my knees a bit red from the kneeling and reached for a towel. "Here" I said as I wiped my hands on the towel as well before giving it to him. He began towel drying his hair furiously and then wrapped it around his shoulders. We turned around to look at the mirror and we both audibly gasped. "We look so cool! Mind if I snap a pic?" Wilbur said with a smile as he turned his head around in different angles to admire his new hair look. I shrugged as he took out his phone and wrapped his left arm around my shoulder to bring me closer. "Act super surprised" Wilbur said as I faked a gasp as he snapped the picture.

"Can we go watch the movie you promised you would watch with me now?" I whined as he leaned down and gave my head a soft peck. "We sure can! Lets make some popcorn though" Wilbur said as he placed the towel back to its rightful place as we headed out the bathroom. I walked towards the couch and clicked on a streaming service to click on the movie. I set the remote controller down beside me on the couch as I went into the kitchen to follow Wilbur.

Wilbur opened the pantry and grabbed a bag and sighed. "I never figured out how to make all the kernels pop. There's always leftovers in the bottom of the bag" Wilbur complained as I snorted. "Why don't you try preheating the microwave? It has helped me in the past" I said as he turned to look at me like some genius. "Your head is so full of knowledge! I wish I could pull it apart and learn all about it" Wilbur said as he preheated the microwave like I said as he walked over to the fridge to take out two apple juice boxes. Wilbur doesn't like to admit it, but the children apple juice boxes are the only things he drinks nowadays. "Are you going to poke around my brain like some mad scientist?" I said as I walked over and gave his waist a soft hug. "We'll be like Dr. Frankenstein and his creation!" Wilbur threw me a smile as I snorted at his comment, noticing that he doesn't understand his own implication. 

"Yeah yeah, you big nerd. Now lets hurry, my feet are getting cold" I murmured as I let go of him and made my way to the couch to wait for him there. I snuggled myself on the couch, wrapping the blanket we leave for napping around my shoulders. I couldn't find my socks so I shoved my feet deeper into the blanket. 

I smiled looking at the TV and all the things around me. Wilbur and I have been living together in this small apartment we found for a great deal at the start of our relationship. We were really young kids wanting to get away from horrible parents and societal norms. At first, it was hard. Getting accustomed to a new environment, new neighbors, new jobs and lastly, new memories. Wilbur and I don't regret moving in together so quickly, but I do regret not giving a proper goodbye to my parents. Yes, they were borderline awful, but they were still my parents. I sighed but shook my head. 

But, If I never left, I wouldn't have moved in with Wilbur. I wouldn't have met his amazing friends and spend multiple game nights and movie nights together. I wouldn't have gotten the courage to be a public figure and base my career over something I love and enjoy doing. 

As I was lost in my reminiscing, Wilbur walked in with a bowl of popcorn and the juices. "Should I turn off the lights?" He asked as he set down the things on the table in front of the couch I laid in. "Mhm, please" I said as he nodded and did so. "I noticed you don't have your socks on so here, have mine" He said as he passed me some of his socks he went to go get, which I didn't hear him do since I was spaced out. "Oh, thank you Wilbur" I thanked him as I slipped them on as he went to snuggle next to me. I let him inside the blanket as I went to lay on his shoulder. "Can I start the movie now?" I said as he grabbed a hold of the bowl of popcorn and nodded. "oh! By the way, this side has salt and butter and this one doesn't since you said you like your popcorn plain" Wilbur sent me a side smile and looked towards the TV. 

I couldn't help looking up at Wilbur, seeing the reflection of the bright TV screen on his pale skin. His glasses sat comfortably against his long nose as his eyes flickered between the TV screen and down to his hands, that were shoveling popcorn into his mouth. I could see how certain crumbs stuck to his reddened lips as he turned to look down at me. He shyly flashed me a toothy grin and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "What? What are you staring at me for?" Wilbur questioned as I didn't stop. "Wilbur, I love you so much" I said as he was taken back from my sudden comment. "I love you too (y/n), why the sudden confession?" Wilbur said as he popped another popcorn into his mouth. I reached upwards and took a hold of his chin to make him look down at me. His eyes met mine as they searched around wildly in nervousness. "You do so much for me and I am so thankful of you" I said as he nervously gulped. "I do it because I love you, that's all" he gave a shy smile as my grip on his chin didn't loosen up at all as I leaned forward, our lips a few inches away. "You don't know how crazy you make me feel about you" I connected our lips as I felt him move the bowl of popcorn onto the table. He twisted his hips so he had a better way of kissing me as I let go of his chin and move my arms around his neck. I deepened the kiss, wanting to feel him against my skin, seeing how extremely warm he has gotten. He moved one of his hands towards the nape of my neck and the other wrapped towards the bottom of my right arm. He pressed us together, feeling his glasses press against my cheek but I didn't dare to move at all. 

Our lips parted for a few moments to catch our breaths, but our lips glued themselves together as soon as they were parted. The taste of popcorn was engraved on my tongue but that made me push myself more to him as I moved us towards the other end of the couch, leaning against the couch arm. I moved so I was on his lap as his hands moved down to my waist, giving them a soft squeeze. His warm fingers moved under my shirt, feeling my cold skin. They moved around, feeling around as if they were making it their new home. I moved my own hands as well, down his neck down to his toned chest. The heat of his body, the feel of his messy curls, the taste of apple juice, the smell of his cologne drove me crazier by the second. It didn't help that soft whimpers were escaping his lips as my hands went to tug on the back of his hair. Wilbur gave my waist a few more squeezes indicating for us to pull apart. I did so and breathed heavily, my chest heaving up and down. I looked down at his dimly lit figure, seeing how his glasses got a bit moved to the side during our make-out session. I readjusted them for him, flashing him a smile as well. "I don't know what prompted us to do that but it made me love you even more" Wilbur said as I chuckled, fixing his shirt and hair for him. We sat comfortably for a while until my legs started to cramp. "Here, let's watch the movie for real this time" I said as he laughed and followed my lead. "yeah, you said that but instead attacked me in love bites" Wilbur said as I shoved him playfully. "Don't act like you didn't like it at all" I remarked, earning a quiet Wilbur in return. 


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