::Eret x Male Reader::

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this was a request! I'm sorry if it wasn't what u wanted :c
not proofread

note: Eret uses any pronouns so their pronouns will change throughout the story!


Eret sighed heavily as he looked towards his wristwatch every few seconds. "Only one more hour before I can head back home". They looked towards their register with a big sigh until a customer came by with their cart and started unloading their stuff towards the conveyer belt. Eret quickly straightened their back and fixed his face mask. He smiled with his eyes as she began to scan the items that were quickly coming. "Hello, find everything alright?" He asked as the customer shook their head and continued to unload their cart in front of them.

Eret tried to quickly ring up the customer with no troubles so she can end her day very quickly. He placed the last bag in the person's cart and sent them off with a big wave. "come by again!". They turned back towards their register and noticed quite some time had passed. A simple ring from their phone made them quickly dig their phone out.

Before checking the notification, she made sure none of her managers were around. Yeah, they work for a grocery store but it's the only job that accepts him that is close to home. He cant risk losing his job overusing his cellphone during work time.

She opened her phone and smiled very brightly under her mask. It was a text message from (y/n). They clicked on it and there were two texts. One was an image of (y/n) laying next to their calico cat while the cat stared at the phone camera. They then read the message right after the image. "we miss you, especially me" it read. It physically made Eret's heart clench at how adorable his cat and boyfriend are. They quickly typed back a message and slid their phone away to finish their shift strong.


"Have a wonderful day miss!" Eret said as they finally smiled looking down at their empty conveyer belt as they reached for their sign and placed it on their line. Their sign read "Lane closed" as he reached over and turned off his number as well. "finally!" he said to himself as he ran a hand over his curly hair and went towards the back room which was meant for employees only. Eret didn't care who was in the back room, she quickly headed towards her work locker and took out their personal belongings.

Eret took off his work name tag and quickly got his car keys and headed out the grocery store strickly to their car. They were planning to stream since they promised their viewers. He hasn't streamed in such a long time and felt bad to leave them all alone.

She quickly removed her face mask and started driving towards his shared home with (y/n). Hopefully (y/n) wasn't so bored at home all day. Eret finally pulled up to the driveway and turned off the car.

He walked over to their mailbox, waiting to see if he had received anything. He was surprised there wasn't anything. They shrugged and went to walk in their home. "I'm home!" They shouted as they slipped off their shoes and placed them on the shoe rack that was next to their entrance.

He instantly heard padded footsteps coming down from the stairs, which made Eret crack a smile. (Y/n) popped out from the top of the stairs upon seeing their partner. "Eret! You're finally home!" (Y/n) said as he ran down the few left steps and hugged Eret very tightly.

"Woah~ seems like you missed me, eh?" Eret said as he chuckled deeply. (Y/n) didn't answer as he only dug his head deeper into Eret's chest while Eret softly ran his hands through the other boys hair.

"What did you do while I was gone?" Eret asked as he pulled away a bit to look at the other male. "I made dinner, played with friends and then took a nap" (y/n) said as Eret smiled and softly stroked the others cheek lovingly.

::MCYT x MALE READER::Where stories live. Discover now