Chapter 17

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The group tore their eyes away from the sleeping couple, coming back to reality with a sad expression.

"She can't stay here for long.. The council might have pardoned her, but the senate has yet to. She's still a criminal in their eyes." Padme explained to the group, her hand slithering it's way into Anakin's, where he held it tightly with a small smile.

"Well- can't we try and prove her innocence? Show them that she isn't the same!!" Kix offered, only for Rex to shake his head with a sigh.

"That would be the case if she was innocent Kix.. she did kill Master Yoda, and Windu.. along with all the other people we have yet to know of. Not to mention the chancellor's death." Rex replied.

"We can't just expect for her to hide herself for the rest of her life. That's not like her.." Fives told the group.

"So how about we make a compromise?" 

Everyone in the group turned their heads to Anakin.

"What kind of a compromise?" Padme asked, looking up at her husband.

"What if we could find a way to change the views of the senate towards Ahsoka? If she were to complete an act truly helpful towards them, they might change their mind." 

"So bribery?" Rex asked, a small scoff hidden in his voice.

"In a way yes..." Their looks of confusion turned into glares.
"-Look. I know Ahsoka has a role in this galaxy.. I know it. And it can't be hiding behind the scenes while the new order makes its way through the galaxy.. So if she were able to complete a task that was so useful, in a way. The senate would have to come to terms with Ahsoka being on our side!" 

"Sounds like a pipe dream to me Sir.." Rex told Anakin.

"And what kind of task would we be talking about, I don't think she's ready to go headfirst into fights yet.." Kix butted in.

"Then how long are we going to make her wait? She's almost a full adult now, it should be her own decision. We need to stop giving her orders, she's long past that and so am I."  Fives addressed the group, crossing his arms.
"It's time we stop worrying over her. She can handle herself, if she was able to take down a sith lord on her own then I think she can survive this. I know she can.... We can be nervous all we want.. but there is a difference between being careful and being controlling.." 

Padme and Anakin exchanged glances at each other.

"So it's up to her." Anakin said with a sigh.
"As much as I don't want her to, since I have a feeling I will know her choice.. I'll still let her decide."

"Then that's all we can do." Padme smiled. 

The clones nodded to each other.

"It is late boys.. maybe you guys should get some rest like those two over there. I have the spare room for you to use." Padme offered with a kind gesture towards the hallway.

The clones nodded to her, giving their thank you's and goodnight's before disappearing down the hallway.

"I have a bad feeling about this.." Anakin said with a mumble.

"You always have a bad feeling about everything Anakin." Padme sighed, taking his arm and leading him to their bedroom where their conversation turned into quiet whispers.

Ahsoka cracked an eye open with a small smile.

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