Chapter 2

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Ahsoka awoke the next morning with a slight ache in her side.

She walked to her dirty mirror and lifted up the side of her shirt.

These aches weren't uncommon, but were a reminder of her past life. It had been a brand mark of sorts, from the sith. 

She traced the burnt skin and stared at the black colors. It was pretty, but in a very dark way. Maybe in the eyes of the sith it would be beautiful, but she knew that to the rest of the universe she was really just a monster in sheep's clothing.

She put her shirt back down and turned away from the mirror.

"I really need to get rid of that damn mirror." She said to herself as she rubbed her aching lekku.

They were probably growing again.

"Great growing pains." She groaned.

She did the very short routine she used to get ready for the morning, changed her clothes and looked out of her small little window.

She smiled softly at the people's liveliness in this city. Most of the time she felt as if she was always covered by a dark shadow, but every once in a while the universe would remind her that not everything is doom and gloom out there.

She grabbed her bag from the side of the door and walked out. Walking down the hall she felt a shiver go down her back as she saw the lights flicker in and out. 

She took a deep breath in and continued walking.

Then everything stopped.

She heard a lightsaber ignite from behind her.

"Not again." She said under her breath and ignored the noises from behind as she quickened the pace and ran outside.

Once out in the street she turned around to check.

There per usual stood her nightmare.

Lightsaber ignited

And blood spread across her cheek.

Ahsoka shut her eyes.

"She's not real Tano, she's not real..."

She heard a low laugh from behind her, and she felt a hand place itself on her shoulder.

Ahsoka instantly grabbed the hand from behind her and without looking twisted it, and flipped the figure over her shoulder and onto the ground.

She opened her eyes and took deep breaths.

She heard a man groan.

"Oh no..." She said as she turned around and her eyes widened.

Nyx rubbed his wrist and laughed softly.

"Well that was some greeting." He said sarcastically.

"S-Sorry. You scared me-"

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