Chapter 8

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Rex sighed and straightened himself out.

"Best to look professional boys. It is Tarkin after all..."

Fives and Kix nodded and did as they were told before Rex led them out of the ship to be greeted by the one and only Admiral Tarkin.

"I see you got a promotion." Rex said with a slight grin at Tarkin's face as he recognized the voice.

"7567. I thought you of all people would have retired..." Tarkin said with a cold glare.

"It's Rex. And you of all people should know....I don't give up easily." Rex said to him as they began the slow walk to the cells on the other side of the ship.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure of this....unexpected visit.." Tarkin asked, a cold grin slowly growing on his face.

"We know Ahsoka Tano is here." Rex said looking slightly down at him due to the difference in height, with a strong glare.

"I have no idea what you are talking about officer....Do your superiors know of your presence here I wonder." Tarkin told him with limited facial expressions.

"Oh Skywalker knows....and he's not to happy about it!!" Fives piped up which caused Rex to raises an eyebrow but follow his story.

"Yes. Best to let us in before we have to report you." Rex said with a light smirk to Tarkin as he crossed his arms.

Tarkin looked at them skeptically before motioning for one of the guards with him to come closer. 

The guard with a slightly annoyed sigh gave in and bent an ear to him.

"Notify the other guards that they have men trying to break out a prisoner..." Tarkin whispered.

"But sir-"

Tarkin merely waved the guard off and he ran off to do as told.

"Why must you scare your men Tarkin?" Kix asked, his usual softness showing.

"Nevermind that. Let us see Miss Tano." Tarkin said as he turned to start walking down a hall, in which the men followed after him.

Kix shook his head at Fives as they began to walk forward.   

Rex then grabbed their arms to stop them in their tracks a few feet away from Tarkin.

Fives turned to Rex and whisper yelled. "Hey what's the big idea!!! We need to go get Soka!!" 

Kix smacked the back of Fives's head as he pointed to the ceiling. 

There, with her head hanging out of a ventilation shaft...

Was Ahsoka Tano..



"Would you hurry up??" Ahsoka whisper yelled to the already stressed Nyx Okami. She knew that shinies were annoying to deal with, but this.

This was a whole new level of stupid.

"I'm TRYING stripes!!!" He whisper yelled back as he got through the wires of the last door. 

"NO YOU IDIOT I SAY THE BLUE ONE NOT THE-" A finger was placed in front of her lips and her eyes widened as she felt the blue in her stripes darken.

Nyx kept the finger pressed to her lips and scolded her. 

"Look I know you think you know exactly how everything works, but the new order isn't like the Old Republic ok??" He looked into her eyes trying to get his point across, which only caused Ahsoka's lekku to blush more.

Ahsoka nodded and Nyx slowly removed his finger, pressing a button and smirking lightly at Ahsoka as the door opened.

"You take the vents, I'll take the doors stripes. You are smaller anyways. Make your way to the hanger and wait for me there." Nyx ordered Ahsoka which caused her to raise an eyemarking.

"Since when do you give orders Okami?" She asked him as he began to walk down the hallway.

"Since you started blushing Tano..." Nyx said with a smirk as he ran off leaving Ahsoka speechless. 

It took a few whole seconds for Ahsoka to realize that she was standing in the middle of a hallway in now enemy territory, AND SHE WAS BLUSHING OVER A SLIGHT MOTION. 

She shook her head, mumbling a few curses under her breath as she jumped into the vents and started to crawl towards the hanger.

She had made her way through the shafts to the entrance of the main hanger when she started to hear a soft conversation. 

She could make out Tarkin's voice, and as soon as she did she rolled her eyes in disgust.

"Why must you scare your men Tarkin?" 


Ahsoka couldn't help but smile to herself..

They must have come to get her, she was sure of it...Anakin probably learned of her location and sent them to get her out!!

She stuck her head out of the vent and looked down.




She stared in wonder at them before one made eye contact..


She gave a soft smile as Kix noticed her as well.

----------BACK TO PRESENT----------

Fives turned to Rex and whisper yelled. "Hey what's the big idea!!! We need to go get Soka!!"

Kix smacked the back of Fives's head as he pointed to the ceiling. 

Fives's eyes locked with Ahsoka's and he swore his hear leap out of his chest...

But he hadn't been the only one that noticed.

Tarkin turned around only to see his prisoner in the vents. His face turned into a hideous glare as he yelled.



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